Chapter 3

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  I frantically look around to see if anyone is about, but the corridors are empty. As he comes closer I slowly take steps backwards, swallowing nervously until I hit my head on the wall behind me. Ouch. My hand flies to the back of my head to rub the pain away. I look up to see the side of Gibby's lips creeping upwards into a smirk and he chuckles. Wow. The big bad wolf actually smiles. I glare at him until he stands inches away from me. His warm,pepperoni breath sending nervous chills down my spine as he examines me from head to toe.

"So.. How you doing?" I say as confidently as I can, trying to cover up the fact that I am peeing myself right now.

"Stay away from Christopher," he spits out through his clenched jaw.

"And why should I listen to you?" I question, but I immediately regret challenging him. Before I know it, his hands are wrapped tightly around my arms, my bag drops to the floor, my glasses fall off my face and his fingers dig deep into my arm as I gasp in pain. He twists my arm so far I think I hear my bone break as it makes a loud crack.

"Because I said so." And with that he lets go and heads towards the doors while I stand still, clutching my swollen arm. Just before exiting the corridors, he spins around to face me.

"Oh and if you dare tell anyone about our little chat, then you will regret ever opening your mouth as I will make your life a living hell."

I swallow. This is not how I planned year 11 to be like. I sigh, pop my square glasses back on my face and rush down the hallway to the doors on the other side. The last thing I want is to be in the same place as that psycho. I pass by the playground to get out of school, only to find Gibby, Christopher and the rest of the gay group surrounding the fuse ball table. I notice Christopher smiling at me but sadly, I cant return the smile as Gibby glares at me, his eyes warning me to stay away. My eyes drop to the ground and I rush out of school. How I cant wait to go home and sleep. I smile to myself when I think of my warm cosy bed at home.


I wake up to the cacophonous sound of my alarm clock and I groan. I hate waking up early. Why cant school start in the afternoon? I reluctantly pull the white covers with pink stars on it off my body and get ready for school. When I am all done, I glance at my sparkly silver digital clock on the white oak drawer besides my bed. 6:30. I still have 30 minutes before I leave for school. There is this hairstyle I have been wanting to try out which is a braid in the shape of a heart. I decide to ask my mum to do my hair, so I gather my belongings and  take one last look in the narrow mirror stuck to my oak wardrobe. I can't wait till I am in sixth form so I can wear my own clothes. But for now, I am stuck wearing the same grey pleated skirt, black tights and navy blue blazer with a white shirt, everyday. School uniform sucks.  I leave my room and as I walk along the corridor, I pass my brothers door which is slightly open. I peak through the gap to find him in the exact same position I left him last night; seated on his brown striped desk with his back to the door and his head buried in a book. God that boy never sleeps, I guess that's why he gets A* in everything. After saying good morning and him mumbling back, I go downstairs towards the living room where my mum is watching the news. I say good morning and give her hug.

"Morning Lily," she says cheerfully as she hugs me back.

"Can you do this hairstyle for me please?" I show her the photo, she shakes her head vigorously and her mood switches.

"Vats this? You want me to do a heart just because it's valentines day?  No way. You should not be thinking about getting boys' attention at this age."

"Oh. Thats today?!" I ask, faking a shocked expression.

Just then, my dad walks into the room " Don't act innocent and pretend you didn't know. And anyways, You know the rules. Books before boys."

What the heart wantsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ