Chapter 6

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¶Man them a promise u the world every time them see how you whine, whine.And dat get u mad, mad, mad, cause they want every dime cetch pon the bed.Bruk, bruk, bruk, bruk, bruk, bruk it down.Bruk, bruk, bruk, bruk, bruk it down.Bruk it down, bruk it down, bruk it down, bruk it do-



The song is cut off by the piercing scream of Shaniqua. Everyone stares in shock as she falls to the ground, clutching her leg in agony.

"OWW MY LEG!" She screams in her thick Jamaican accent.

Her leg is twisted in a way that doesn't seem right so we quickly call the nearest teacher.

"What happened here?!" Mr Spellboy asks whilst bursting into our room.

We all stare at each other..waiting for someone to talk.

"Well?!" He says, falling to his knees to check Shaniqua's leg. One of the girls finally speak up.

"She hurt her leg."

"Tell me something I don't already know." Mr Spellboy sarcastically replies. He looks up at the girl "How did she hurt it?"

" twisted it while she was..urr..dancing?"

We didn't dare tell him that she twisted it while twerking. We didn't want to embarrass her like that. Ten minutes later, Shaniqua is getting into his car using Jazzy's ( Zara's crush) crutches to walk. He was nice enough to lend it to her , since his cast is soon coming off. Once she is safely in the car, Shaniqua hands the crutches to Zara with a wink and they take off. Zara disappears to give his crutches back and Rebecca and I make our way back to the house. There were a crowd of students outside the door and as we got closer, we realise that there is a human barricade formed by the teachers. Apparently, us teenagers spend too much time indoors , hence, we are not allowed back into the building until dinner. We turn around and walk towards the fields where the boys are playing football. I look to the side and the girls are sitting on the picnic tables watching the boys play and giggling. We decide to take a stroll in the forest and we begin walking and talking and laughing. We stop near an oak tree as Rebecca needs to tie her shoelace. I am talking about how confused I am about Humza and Owen, but I'm cut off mid sentence as Rebecca jumps back, bumps into me and screams. She startles me which makes me scream and we fall to the floor. I look up at the tree and I scream again making Rebecca scream and we indulge in a screaming fest.

"Ay you lot shut up!" A whisper-shout comes from the tree and when we finally recover, we realise that Gibby is sitting on a branch covering his body with the giant leaves.

"Why are you up there? You scared us!" Rebecca shouts.

"For goodness sake stop shouting! We're playing hide and seek and-oh here they come, pretend I'm not here..just go away!"

He shoos us with his hands and returns to his hiding position just as two members of the gay group arrive.

"Have you seen Gibby? " They ask. "Everyone else has been found except him. And if we don't find him in the next 5 minutes he will be classed champion for the fourth time in a row!"

I smirk, knowing that this is my chance to get back at him. Next time he will think twice about messing with me.

"He is up there." I say, pointing to the tree besides me.

"FOUND YOU!!" The boys yell in unison.

Gibby growls and climbs down the tree. I grin at him as he sends me a dirty look.

"Aww aren't you a sore loser? Better luck next time!" I call after him.

He shakes his head and walks away. Satisfied, I do the same.

Revenge is sweet.

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