Chapter 8

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I stand still. Wide eyed and holding my breath in attempt for me to disappear or become invisible. It doesn't work. My eyes dart around the room which is fairly empty, just a wooden oval conference table in the middle with about 12 ergonomic chairs. After slowly closing the door, Gibby walks towards me. I creep backwards. My back collides with the wall behind me and he traps me in the corner with his arm. I take a deep breath and look at him with a bored expression, even though I am dying inside. I can't let him know that I am afraid of him. He stares at me with a stern expression on his face and I glare right back into his eyes. I try my best to look intimidating, but, I'm quite short so I have to look up to him. I place my hands on my hips and a small smile plays on his lips. I know I don't have any effect on him as he is like 5 times bigger than me, but, that doesn't mean I can't try. I continue staring and so does he. Neither of us blink so I'm guessing its a staring contest. I push my glasses up to my face and fold my arms. After a while, Gibby looks away and rubs his eyes; a small grunt escaping his lips.

"Ha! I win you lose!" I chant.

"I can't believe I lost to a girl." He mumbles.

I ignore his comment but I can't wipe the smile from my face. "Did you bring me, no drag me here just to have a staring contest or do you actually want to say something?"

He stands straight so he can tower over me and look powerful.

"Do you like Christopher?" He asks.

"Why are you asking?" I reply.

"Just answer the question."

I sigh. "Fine. Yes I do, but what is it to you?"

"If you like him then why are you wearing Owens jumper?"

"How do you know its Owens?"

" I know everything." Gibby replies.

"Oh really? Then tell me, do Siamese twins pay for one ticket or two tickets when they go to movies and concerts?"
"If parents say, 'Never take candy from strangers' then why do we celebrate Halloween?"
"Why does a round pizza come in a square box? Do bald people get dandruff?
If it's zero degrees outside today and it's supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be? Why is it that no matter what colour soap you use the bubbles are always white?"

"What the hell?"

His face scrunches up and confusion is written all over his face. I smile and raise my eyebrows to say 'answer it'. After a moment of silence, I speak up.

"Well, looks like you don't know everything."

"Stop trying to change the subject. You told Christopher you like him yet your running around flirting with that forehead-"

"His name is Owen." I say interrupting him.

"Whatever, I don't care. You know what you are? A two-timing pig. Stay away from him. Let this be the last time I have to warn you. Or else."

"Or else what? You can't control me Gibby. I can be with whoever I want so back off."

He seems surprised at my sudden outburst and confidence and so am I. But I realised, he is just a big bully who thinks he can walk all over me. Well guess what? I have had enough of his bull crap. After he recovers from his state of shock, his expression turns cold.

"You're wasting your time. Christopher doesn't even like you. In fact, he finds you annoying and he is the one who told me to tell you to leave him alone."

"Oh really? Why don't I go ask him then? We will see what he has to say about it." I hold my head high up.

"Too bad he is already in his room."

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