Chapter 14

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I wake up Sunday morning and check my phone. It's dry, as usual. The only notifications I have are a pending software update and a quote from the sprinkle of Jesus app. It read 'With all your heart you must trust the Lord and not your own judgement. Always let Him lead you, and He will clear the road for you to follow. -Proverbs 3:5-6' I pondered over these words for a minute and drifted into a day dream. A notification popped up on my phone which pulls me out of my thoughts. A message from Brandon. All weekend I had been ignoring his calls and messages. I did not know what to say or do, I was lost. I know I have to face this soon, school is tomorrow and I am going to see him. If I reply now, at least it makes it less awkward when I see him at school. I take a deep breath in, putting my full trust in the Lord to guide me, and open the message.

Good morning Lily, how have you been? I know I dropped a bombshell on you on Friday and you need time to process but please reply. I just want to know if you are okay. -Brandon

As I am about to type a response, I get a Facetime call from Zara and Rebecca.

"Yo" Zara says.

"Sup" Rebecca adds.

"Hey" I say with a sigh.

"What's going on?" Rebecca asks

"I was just about to reply to Brandon, I have been ignoring him all weekend and now I feel bad. But I don't know what to say!"

"Well, the question is, do you like him?" Rebecca questions

"I..well.. I don't know!" I say exasperated. I slump on my bed and push my face into the pink fluffy pillow. "He is really nice and sweet and he was there for me throughout this whole Owen situation but I always saw him as just a friend."

"But can you see him as more than a friend?" Rebecca asks again.

"At this point I am so confused. "

Zara who had been quiet all this time, finally speaks up.

"Just tell him the truth. That you don't know if you like him yet, but you're willing to take things slow and see what happens. Brandon is so understanding, he will get it. But don't just ignore him, that's mean. Communicate and be open with him so he knows how you feel."

Zara is right. Brandon is my friend and I should not ignore him.

"Okay you're right, I am just going to tell him that. Thanks guys. Wish me luck!"

"You got this sista!" Rebecca shouts

"Remember honesty is the best policy!" Zara exclaims

We get off Facetime and I stare at my phone. Just tell your truth. He will understand. I grab my brown fluffy teddy and squeeze it for support before typing a response.

Hey Brandon, sorry I have been ignoring you, I just needed time to think. You are a great person, always there for me and I really appreciate that. I am not sure if I like you back, since I currently only see you as a friend, but we can just take things slow and see what happens. -LILY

Brandon almost immediately texts back

I hear you. I am just glad you are willing to give me a chance. Trust me you won't regret it :) -Brandon

Brandon and I continue texting and it feels like I have a weight lifted off my shoulder. I have my friend back, it's not awkward, everything is great. Monday, here I come.


It's Monday afternoon and I am stood outside with science class with Brandon. I am showing him my favourite meme of this chubby Indian kid dancing around in circles. I begin imitating the boy and we erupt into a fit of laughter. I am clutching my stomach and fall to the ground as I am laughing so hard. Brandon extends his hand to pick me up and I grab his hand, and pull him to the ground next to me. He falls on face and I laugh even more. He pretends to get angry and starts tickling me. At this point I am howling with laughter. The hallways were crawling with students trying to step over Brandon and I who were playing around on the floor. I look up and see Owen looking at us with a blank expression. I ignore him, as usual, then Mr Oblong steps out of his classroom and tells us to get up. He starts telling me to be more ladylike or whatever and we argue a bit before I enter my classroom. I take my seat next to Brandon who begins to annoyingly poke me. He grabs my cheeks and squeezes them together.

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