Chapter 38 Christmas at Headquarters

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Hey guys! Author back once again!

I have been gone for so long at it feels good to be back again. Can't wait to start getting everything in order and getting stories out again.

Also, Something I thought should be brought up. Who do you guys think we should put Ron with? It is going to be kind of important for when we get to Half Blood Prince, so I was wondering if you guys think there is someone that is already there for Ron or if I should just make an OC for Ron. Let me know what you guys think.

So, anyway, onto the recap.

Last chapter, Umbridge was taking over everything and everyone is basically powerless to stop her. We helped Harry form Dumbledor's Army and started with lessons from him. We spent a lot of time with the gang and Hermione is in a teasing game with us.

That just about sums it up.

So without further adieu, let's get to it!


Your POV

It's really too bad the the small respite of normalcy was short lived.

I came upstairs from finally getting some ideas on paper and clearing my writers block. I put my book down next to my bed and had finished getting ready when I noticed Harry thrashing around in his sleep. Something is wrong with him. He is breathing heavily and sweating profusely. I start to walk over to wake him up, but before I can he is shouts and his body shoots up. It wakes up Ron and some of the others.

"Harry, what's wrong?" I ask.

"It's Mr. Weasley! He's in trouble!" He says looking to Ron.

I look to Ron and then back to Harry. "I'm going to get Professor McGonagall."

I rush out of the room and get the professor. From there, we quickly escort Harry to Dumbledor's office. I make sure to get Ginny and the twins so that they are there as well. Once everyone is there, Harry tells us what he saw.

When he is finished, the room falls silent for a minute. Dumbledor comes to the front of his desk and then looks to Harry.

"In the dream, where you standing next to the victim, or looking down at the scene?" He asks.

"Neither." Harry replies. "It was like... Professor can you please just tell me what is happening?"

"Everheart." Dumbledor goes up to one of the paintings of a former Headmaster. "Arthur is on guard duty tonight. Make sure he is found by the right people."

"Sir." Harry tries to get Dumbledor's attention.

"Phineas." Dumbledor ignores Harry and continues to talk to the paintings. "Go to you portrait in Dumnal place. Tell them that Arthur Weasley is gravely injured and his children will be arriving there soon by portal key."

"They got him Albus. It was close but they think he'll make it." Everheart returns. "What's more, the Dark Lord failed to acquire it."

"Oh thank you."

"Look at me!" Harry snaps.

We all look to him in a bit of shock. Harry barely ever shouts like that. He is shaking and has his eyes locked with Dumbledor's.

"What is happening to me?" Harry asks.

"You wished to see me, Headmaster." Professor Snape shows up from the door.

"Oh, Severus. I'm afraid we can't wait." Dumbledor says. "Not even till moring. Otherwise, we will be vulnerable."

Snape takes Harry from the office and I see the Weasleys off before heading back to the dormitories with Professor McGonagall.

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