Chapter 22 Hogsmeade in the Wintertime

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Hey guys, Author back.

Going to say now, I don't expect this to be a long chapter. There is literally the trip to Hogsmeade and I'll probably add one more thing to it. Then after that we will be at the end.

So, Recap time.

We came back from our first trip to Hogsmeade and told Harry about the experiences. Then we learned that Serious Black was in the castle and had to sleep in the Great Hall, which wasn't all that bad because you got to cuddle a little with Hermione. Then we had another class of DAtDA with Snape because Lupin is missing for some reason. Then we watch a match of Quidditch and watched Harry almost die.

So, without further adieu, let's get to it!


Your POV...

I walk with Hermione and Ron to the carriages that are taking us to Hogsmeade for the winter trip. I sit with Hermione and we hold hands like we always do. We are all bundles up in coats and hats to protect us from the cold, but I'm perfectly warm as long as I stay with Hermione.

I look over at her and she smiles. I smile back and ask, "So, do I even have to ask what you want to do first this time?"

"The Shrieking shack, of course." She beams with pride.

I roll my eyes. "I thought so. Regardless, a promise is a promise. And I intend on keeping that promise."

She lightly nudges me and I smile.

I'm really taking a risk with taking this much time with Hermione. What if someone else comes along and she falls for them? I would be crushed if that happened.

"Y/n. Are you okay?" Hermione asks.

I come out of my spaced out state and jump a little.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I smile. "Sorry I spaced out."

She grips my hand a little more and looks at me concerned. I lightly grip her hand back and smile. She takes this as my signal and smiles back. She then leans against me and puts her head on my shoulder. I chuckle a little.

"What are you looking at?"

"You, of course." She flirts.

"Oh really." I put a finger on my cheek and lean on it lightly. "Interesting. And what are you seeing?"

"I can't tell you that yet." She smirks.

"Well that's no fun."

"Spoilers, Love." She pats my cheek.

I must be blushing, because my cheeks are on fire. She's never called me 'Love' before. She must realize what she said and is blushing now too. She just keeps herself leaned against me and we finish the ride while talking to Ron about the plans for today.

As soon as we get off, all three of us head for the Shrieking shack. Ron decided he was going to come with us, just to see it. I was planning on going alone with Hermione, but plans change I guess. We walk a while for a while through some woods and finally make it to an old shack out in the middle of nowhere. Hermione looks at the house and smiles while lightly keeping a hold on my hand. I put one of my hands on the post and look out to it.

"It's meant to be the most haunted building in all of Britain." Hermione says. "Did I mention that?"

She turns to me and I smile.

"Twice." I nudge her.

"If you want we could go a bit closer." She looks at me, a little hopeful. "You know, to the Shrieking shack."

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