Chapter 7 Detention

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Hey guys! Author here again.

Coming close to the end of the first one. Never thought you'd see Harry Potter shorten down to seven, maybe eight, chapters did ya?

So, I'll make this short so we can get to it.

Last time, we had winter break. Got to have Christmas with Harry and Ron and got the book we were working on for Hermione to her. Saw something in the mirror which *cough* *cough* may elude to the future *cough* *cough*. Then we tried to cheer up Harry. 

So, without further adieu, let's get to it!


Your POV...

Finally, after many classes, we are getting to the end of our first year. My father has written me about something that he is excited to tell me at the end of the year. I'm looking forward to it. We are studying for the up coming exams in the Great Hall. Well, most of us are studying.

"Look at you, playing with your card." Hermione says to Ron. "Pathetic. We've got final exams coming up soon. And look at you, Playing with your cards."

"I'm ready." Ron says. "Ask me any question."

"Alright." Hermione takes up his challenge. "What are the three most important ingredients in a forgetfulness potion?"

"I forgot." Ron says.

"And what do you plan to do if this is on the final exam?" Hermione asks.

"Copy off of you." Ron says.

"No. You. Won't." She glares at Ron. "Besides, according to Professor McGonagall we will all be given quills bewitched with an anti-cheating spell."

"That's insulting." Ron exclaims. "It's like they don't trust us!" He throws the card in his hand down and shouts, "Dumbledor again!"

I chuckle a little from next to Hermione and go back to studying for my classes. I look over to Hermione to see she is looking behind me. I turn and see Neville hopping into the hall.

"Leglock curse." Ron says. 

"Malfoy." Harry explains in one word.

Neville hops up to us at the table and wobbles before managing to hold himself up.

"You have got to start standing up to people, Neville." I say.

"I don't know how." He says. "I can barely stand on my own."

"I know the counter curse." Seamus says grabbing his wand and standing up.

"No, that's all I need." Neville says. "You to set my blood knee caps on fire."

"I don't appreciate the insinuation, Longbottom. Besides, if anyone cares to notice, my eyebrows have completely grown back."

Seamus turns to storm off, showing the bald spot on the back on his head. I stifle a laugh as I watch him go.

"I found him!" Harry says. 

"Dumbledor is particularly famous for defeating the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945." Ron starts.

"Go on." Harry says.

"His discovery of the twelve uses of dragons blood, and his work on alchemy with Nicholas Flamel!" Ron finishes.

"I knew the name sounded familiar." Harry says. "I read it on the train that day."

I look over at Hermione who has a big smile on her face and she whispers, "Follow me."

The Story Keeper (Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now