Chapter 13 Rouge Bludger and Moaning Myrtle

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Hey guys! Author back once again!

Having fun with all the writing I'm getting done and it's been about a week since I started this. Talk about focus!

By the way, Think it's safe to say we will be asking Hermione to the Yule Ball once we get there. Still a long ways away, but still.

So, recap time.

Last time, We found Harry after his detention and he told us about hearing voices. After following him, we found Mrs. Norris petrified and learned the "Chamber of Secrets" has been opened. Then we learned from Professor McGonagall about the Chamber of Secrets. Then Hermione came up with a plan to find out if Malfoy is the Heir of Slytherin.

So, without further adieu, let's get to it!


Your POV...

I stand cheering with the rest of Gryffindor house as the Quidditch game continues. Things are actually looking pretty bad right now. Slytherin is winning 90 to 30. I try to keep everyone positive about the situation, but it gets harder as they get more and more ahead. I watch as Harry tries to help out where he can. While Harry is still, a Bludger start to fly at him. He barely dodges it and Wood watches as it goes by.

"Watch yourself Harry!" I can hear Wood yell.

The Bludger then comes back and hits Wood's broom, sending him spiraling out of control. Poor Wood, something always seems to happen to him. The Bludger proceeds to chase after Harry.

"Harry's got himself a rouge bludger." Hagrid says. "That's been tampered with that has."

"I'll stop it." Ron says, raising his wand.

"You should probably let me do that." I say.

"No, that's to risky." Hermione puts down my wand hand. "You could hit Harry."

I nod and put my wand away. Ron follows my example and we just keep watching the game. Harry manages to shake the bludger and spots the snitch as he and Malfoy start chasing after it. The Bludger manages to catch up with Harry again and starts chasing him again. They go down under some of the scaffolding around the field. Eventually Malfoy flails up and lands hard. I watch as Harry reaches out and the gets hit right in the wrist by the Bludger. He uses his other hand and catches the snitch. And with that Gryffindor wins. 

"Come on. Let's go down there." Hermione says.

We have to make our way through the crowd. I grab onto Hermione's wrist lightly so we don't get separated and lost in the crowd. We get down to the field and run over to Harry. The Bludger is still trying to hit Harry. Hermione pulls out her wand and shouts, "Flete Incantoto." (close enough)

The Bludger explodes and we get up to Harry.

"You alright mate?" I ask.

"No." Harry shakes his head and looks at his arm. "I.. I think my arm's broken."

"Hang on." Lt say, appearing next to me. "I should have a splint in my bag. It won't fix it, but it'll keep it in place until we can get someone who can."

Lt starts searching his backpack.

"Not to worry Harry, I will fix that arm of yours, straightaway." Professor Lockhart says.

Hermione looks back to me and I look at her. I'm still not fully convinced about him.

"No, not you." Harry says.

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