RWBY - [Chapter 16] - The Vytal Tournament

Start from the beginning

(You do not know the sheer amount of cringe I had when I wrote this)

Ruby ended with a red face then turned around as a bark alerted her as Zwei and her father were standing in the trees behind her.

"Oh! Looks like dad's back! I gotta go! He's dropping me off at Beacon the tournament match before he goes on his next mission. Wish me luck!" Said the reaper as she pulled her hood up and walked away.

"It was a good to talk." Ruby added one last time before jogging back.


(Time-Skip - Haven't does this in awhile)

"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis anyone else starving?" Ruby asked, hunching over.

"I may have worked up an appetite." Blake answered, arms behind her head as a growl came from her stomach, much to her embarrassment.

"Gee, if only there was somewhere on campus to get food around here." Weiss said with sarcasm.

Just as the heiress said that, the camera zooms out to depict tens of hundreds of tons of small ships wreathed in colorful flags in a large clearing of a forest as people walked through it.

"Oh, wait." Weiss added before Ruby took her shoulder.

"It's okay, Weiss. I forget about the fairgrounds too." She said.

"I was being facetious?" Weiss rebuked, knocking Ruby's arm away.

"Well, if you were hungry, why didn't you say so?!" The reaper ranted, unaware that Y/N's approaching them.

"Hey, girls!" He called out.

"Hey, Y/N!" RWBY greeted back.

"That fight was awesome, even more awesome up close!" Praised Y/N, playfully ruffling RWBY's heads except Yang. The three blushed while the last only pouted angrily.

"What about me?!" Yang indignantly called out.

"I don't want my family jewels getting crushed so I'm gonna pass." Y/N retorted.

"Don't care, headpat! Now!" The blonde brawler demanded, grabbing the boy's hand and forcibly putting on her head.

"Sheesh, calm down." Y/N commented before patting Yang's head, making the said girl grin smugly at the rest who just glared.

"Anyway! You girls want to grab a bite for lunch?" Y/N hastily asked, sensing the tension.

"Yeah! Come on! I know just the place." Yang answered, pulling the boy with her while the rest followed but still annoyed.

However, Weiss stops as she hears a ringtone from her scroll, pulling it out to see the caller ID labelled "Father". Instead of answering, she returned it to where it came from, ignoring the call.

"Hey! Might be hard to eat without this." Emerald called out from nowhere, holding onto a red wallet.

"No, no, no, no!" Ruby cried out, panicking and frantically patting her outfit.

"Good to see you, Ruby." Emerald said, laughing, handing back the wallet.

"Oh! Thanks, Emerald! Guess I dropped it. Girl pockets are the worst!" Ruby exclaimed before slouching.

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