My daughter

655 31 16

The Man's POV

My hand gripped the gun that was directly pointed at Leigh-Anne.

Before my finger pulled that trigger, I admired her beauty. The beatiful colored skin was still shining through all the dirt and blood that covered it. She's my daughter. An annoying stupid brat that I had to take care of because her stupid mother was a weakling.

All I wanted was a family. I wanted to do a better job than how my parents treated me. But when I realized that I have to wait a while, I just forced myself into one; a family. It didn't turn out the way I planned. I lost control, so I became the one that tried to solve things. If Leigh-Anne didn't listen to me, she'll get a good fist to the face. It's called obedience, and Leigh-Anne didn't have any of it. Sure, she lost her mom because of me, but I am still her father. I deserve respect. That's what my parents taught me....

My parents are always right. I deserved their hits. I didn't listen to them. I understand now. It was stupid of me to have wanted to do better than them, when their way is the best.

That's why this gun is still pointed at her. My daughter. When my finger pulls the trigger, she'll be gone. Out of my life.


I don't want her to be out of my life. She will grow up under my house, and we'll raise another family.


This time it'll be a boy, and he'll obey. He'll obey.

I let go of the gun, letting it fall on the ground and create a loud thump. Leigh-Anne seemed to have passed out. She's just like her mother. A weakling. It angers me. No one in my house will be a weakling. I walked up to her and shook her violently. That'll wake her up, and if she doesn't, I'll for sure leave her to die.

I let go of her when I realized that her blood had gotten on my shirt. A big red stain appeared, somehow managing to go through my shirt.

"That stupid son of a bitch!"

I'll have to clean now. I can't leave evidence. Wait. The blood on Leigh-Anne can be evidence.

Fuck it, she'll clean it up herself.

I walked out of the room, kicking the gun out of the way.

"If only she can wake up. Then I'll have some fun with this bitch."

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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