Mute because.........

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Leigh-Anne's p.o.v

"Well, are you going to write something down," Perrie asked me. Why did she have to asked that. I never told anyone how I became mute. "Here. Type on my phone."Perrie gave me her phone. I started typing, "Well, um, It's a long story." Than everything that happened to me that made me become mute went to my mind. I started crying silently remembering. Then I started typing again," It all started when my mom died. I was so depressed. So was my father. He was so depressed that he became alcoholic. He started to beat me up, say bad stuff to me. The thing he did that hurt the most was that he would always say it was my fault that my mom died. I would also get bullied in school. I had only one friend. Then, she committed suicide. I don't know why, but she did. That's when I didn't talk that much. I wasn't mute yet, but I didn't talk a lot. I just wanted to get away from there. So, I got a job. People would still treat me bad there. I don't know why. It seemed like everyone hated me. One day when I came back from school. My dad had a knife in his hand and he wanted to kill me! I ran out of there with my money. As I ran I started seeing black dots. That's when everything went black. When I woke up I was in the hospital. The doctor said I became mute. I was sad but happy because I was going to move with my grandma. I've bin living there ever since. No one knew my love for music and dance. Not even my grandma. When I had enough money I went to the academy. Then I met you guys. I never had friends like y'all. I was and still am so happy to have y'all with me." When Perrie read it she cried as much as I am crying right now, but smiled at the end. She then hugged saying she is so sorry. "Well let's go ask the doctor when we can take Jade back to the academy." I nodded. Perrie went up to the doctor asking when she can take Jade out of here. "You can take Jade today. Just go sign her out. Oh and she's a little week right now so help her out" The doctor said. I went to go sign Jade out with my eyes red and tear stained cheeks.

Perrie's p.o.v

I can't believe all this happened to Leigh-Anne. I feel terrible for asking her that. She doesn't deserve

all that to happen to her. It's just wrong!

Jade's p.o.v

The girls were helping me walk out the door as I tried to tie my hair in a pony tail.

~skip car ride~

When we entered the academy we got stares from people. They mostly stared at Perrie. Probably because she was with me. "Can I talk to you Perrie," one of Perrie's friend, Kristina said. Perrie nodded. As Perrie walked with Kristina, Blake walked up to us. He started talking, "It seems that Jesy here isn't that tough as we think she is. Looks like she's a loser just like these two." People started laughing. Oh no.

Perrie's p.o.v

"Perrie, why are you with, them? I mean if they see you with them, witch they already did, they can start to bully you like them," Kristina said. "I don't care. It's not fare for Leigh-Anne and Jade. I mean, what did they do to you?" "I never did anything to them. I also don't think it's fare, but I get scared I will get bullied too." "Kristina, they won't bully you. We got Jesy," I said. Kristina laughed. "Yeah your right." Just then Blake walked up to Leigh-Anne, Jade, and Jesy. "Seems like Jesy here isn't as tough as we think she is. Looks like she is a loser just like these two," Blake said while pointing to Leigh-Anne and Jade as people started laughing. "Blake, if you want to keep that finger I suggest you leave us alone," Jesy said. I walked up to them. "Blake just leave now," I said. "Perrie what in the world are you with these hideous people?" "There are not hideous, you are," Kristina said. People started oohing. "Sure, and that's why almost every girl in here wants to date me. Well, after I'm done beating them up they will be hideous." Blake started to lift his arm and made a fist. He was going to hit Jade! That's when Jesy grabbed his fist. "I warned you," Jesy said. She started twisting his arm. Blake made an ow face that sort of made me giggle. Jesy let go of his arm and pushed him down. "Come on girls," Jesy said. We started walking away from the whole thing while still getting stares from people. While we walked we heard someone sing. It was a beautiful voice. "Hey who's singing.There really good," I said. "I know right." We followed the beautiful voice. The person singing was a girl. She was just standing there. "Hi you have a beautiful voice," Jesy said. "Uh thank you," the girl said. She was a pretty lady. " Ello what's your name," I asked. "It's Karen." "That's a nice name." " Thanks! Now, let me ride away on my beautiful silver unicorn!" "Ha ha! Well, that was weird," Jade said. Leigh-Anne nodded. "Can we go to Perrie's dorm," Jade asked. "I don't think that's a good idea. You see I had a fight with my roommate..." "Yeah and I always fight with mine so let's go to yours Jade," Jesy said. We walked to Jade's dorm still helping Jade walk. "Perrie can you do the goat impression for me," Jade asked. "Um sure." I did the goat impression witch made Jade smile. I have no idea why she wanted me to do it. I helped Jade sit on the couch." Leigh-Anne got out some food so we can eat. She got herself nachos, Jade a biscuit, Jesy a sandwich, and I didn't want anything.

"Ahhhhhh," Jesy screamed," Why did you give me a sandwich?!"

"Um because you wanted to eat?"

"I am scared of sandwitches," Jesy screamed.

Leigh-Anne took away the sandwich smiling

. "It's not funny! It's normal!," Jesy screamed . "Sure."


Later on we all went to sleep not wanting anymore drama to happen. I can't stop thinking of how they treated Leigh-Anne. She is beautiful, nice, kindhearted, smart, talented, and any other nice word.

I wish I was always there for her. She really needed it. I'm pretty sure she hasn't smiled until she

came here.


I couldn't sleep. Mimi keeps on snoring. Wait, Mimi doesn't snore. I got up to go turn on the lights. On the top bunk was someone who's NOT Mimi. "Ugh! Turn off the lights," the girl said. It was Anahi! (Your a girl right?) "What are you doing here," I asked. "Mimi switch dorms. Said she didn't want to sleep here anymore," Anahi said . "Huh. I guess she was REALLY mad." I turned off the lights and went to sleep.

~ The next day~

I woke up by a know on the door. "Ugh! Go away!," I screamed. "Perrie it's me, and Jesy, and Leigh-Anne. With a girl we don't know," Jade screamed. I got up. My hair was so messy. I opened the door witch made a squeaking sound. There stood a girl I don't know with my best buds. "Hi I'm looking for Mimi. I'm Naomi her friend,"Naomi said. "Oh well sorry. She doesn't sleep here anymore. I don't know witch dorm she sleeps in. Now let me sleep!" I closed the door and went back to sleep.

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