Hanging Out With Jesy

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Jade's p.o.v.

"NO! Leigh-Anne! You ate my biscuit!" I yelled to Leigh-Anne as she took the last bite of my biscuit I left in the fridge.

She gave me an oops, I'm sorry face.

"Now I'll die!" I exagerated, and played dead on the floor. I opened my eyes to see her smiling and sitting down on the couch. I guess after I went to the loo she decided she was going to eat. So she looked in the fridge and got my biscuit. I got off the ground when suddenly, I heard a knock on the door......

Jesy's p.o.v.

A thought came through my mind. What if I hang out with Jade and try to be nice. I can help her with the bullying. Then at least SHE will know the real me. I backed up to her door.

"Should I do this?" I asked my self. I knocked on the door. The door creaked as Jade opened it. I saw her confused face. If I were her I would do the same. I never really talk to Jade. Well, I never talk to Jade.

"Uh, hi."

She sounded scared.

"Hi! I was wondering if... uh..uh, I could use a pencil?"

OH MY GOD! Seriously?! I mentally slapped myself at the moment.

Jade starred at me for a second, proccesing the stupid words I said.

"Okay. Sure." She quickly left the door to go get a pencil, then came right back with a pencil in her hand.

This is so dumb.

"No, Jade. I really don't need it. I was just wondering if you would like to hang out?"


It was silent for a moment.


" Who dared you to do this?" she asked, crossing her arms. I guess you would expect me to be nice to you to be a dare. I mean, I have been rude to just about EVERYONE.

Even my mom.

"No one?I swear!"

"So, uh, can I come in?" I asked. She sighed, then nodded her head. A smile formed on my face.  I was expecting the door to slam on my face.

Once I walked in, I saw a girl I have never seen before on the couch.

"Hi," I said to the girl as I waved my hand. She got a paper and a blue pen out then started writing on it. She held it up for me to read.

It said, "Hi! Who are you?"

I sat down next to her.

"I'm Jesy, and can't you just say that out loud?"

Before she could say, I mean, write something, Jade said,"She's mute. Can't say a word. Oh and she's new here."

Mute? I nevr knew that someone could actually be mute.

"Sorry I didn't know," I said, feeling a little guilty.

The new girl smiled.

"What's her name?" I asked Jade.


I nodded.

That's a pretty name. It must be really hard being mute.

"Now, where were we?... Oh yeah.
Leigh-Anne, why did you eat my biscuit!"

I put my confused face on. Leigh-Anne lifted up a paper that said," She is addicted to biscuits."



I got to know Jade and Leigh-Anne a lot. Jade and Leigh-Anne are crazy in a good way. We would laugh every minute.

Something soft hit me on my face. It turned out to be a pink pillow.

"She did it!" Jade said as Leigh-Anne held a piece of paper in her hand that read the same thing as Jade said and pointed to her. I laughed. So did Jade, and Leigh-Anne just smiled. I'm guessing that's her way of laughing.

Jade started jumping on the couch. Suddenly, Leigh-Anne pushed her making Jade fall.

"Ha ha," I laughed.

"Hey! Stop laughing! I hurt my bum," Jade said in a baby voice. The last part made me laugh even more which led up to everyone laughing.

"Well...ha ha ..gu-guys I..ha ha.. have to go," I said trying to stop laughing.


I walked out the door to see Perrie on the ground just laying there with her eyes closed. I girl was standing over her with her hands on her eyes. What happened?

Perrie's p.o.v.

Someone pulled my hand making me trip. "Ow!" "Oh, sorry," my best friend Mimi said. "Come on we have to rehears the play we are doing. Now act dead," she said.



"Uh, okay."

I laid down on the cold floor feeling chills go down my spine. I heard Mimi fake sob. I wanted to laugh so bad. I couldn't help it anymore.

"Ha ha!"


"I don't know. I just couldn't keep in my laugh." Mimi smiled and rolled her eyes. I got up wanting to go to my dorm so bad. I just want some peace and quiet.

"Can I leave now," I asked.

"Fine." I ran towards my dorm feeling happyI actually made it this time. I closed the door slamming my back on the door. "Finally."


The next day I couldn't stop thinking about the talent show. I was in music class writing a song.

It goes a little like this," Does he tell you he loves you when you least expect it. Does he flutter your heart when he kisses your neck. No scientist or biology. It's obvious when he's holding me. It's only natural that I'm so affected. Ohh, and my heart won't beat again if I can't feel him in veins. No need to question, I already know."

That's all I got so far. I just got to stop thing about the talent show.

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