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       Leigh-Anne's p.o.v

We walked in the mall called....... I have no idea what it is called. The mall was huge! It was built out of stones witch made it look kind of old. As I walked down the hall I saw these really cute shoes. They were red with a bow at the end.  I walked to the table the shoes were on, but at the same time Jade came. I found out she really loves bows. "These are so cute," Jade said. Then she noticed I was there too and said," Oh, hey. If you want you can take these." I shook my head and pointed to her letting her know I want her to have them. "Guys, both of y'all can just get the shoes. Wait No! We should all get the shoes so we can match," Perrie said. "No thank you," Jade and Jesy said at the same time. I smiled. Remember sometimes when I smile it's a laugh. Anyways, Jade started talking again," How 'bout non of us get the shoes." We all nodded and kept on walking. I really wanted those shoes!

So far Jade bought some Nike's, and a black dress. Jesy bought a hat, a shirt that said a friend will give you a cookie and you will say," Thank you," a best friend will give you a cookie and you would say "What did you do to it?", two leggings, boots, and two shorts. I know, she bought  a lot! Anyway, Perrie bought a shirt that will let you see her belly button, and pink high heels. Last but not least I got a hat. That's all. I know. I only got one thing. It doesn't matter. "Hey let's play truth or dare,"Jesy said. "In here," Jade asked. "Yeah." "Okay sure." Jesy started,"Perrie, truth or dare?" Perrie thought for a moment. "Dare."  "Yes! Okay, I dare you to go up to that lady and say excuse  what knind of underwear are you wearing?" "No!! I am not going to do that!" "A dare is a dare."  "Ugh! fine." I saw as Perrie walked up to this elderly. Perrie said what Jesy told her to say then the elderly did something hilarious. She slapped Perrie and walked away. We were all laughing so hard. Well, except for Perrie. She was rubbing her red cheek. "Okay, Jesy truth or dare," Perrie asked. "Nah I don't feel like playing anymore. I just wanted one of you to do that," Jesy said. Perrie glared at her. I think this is a start of a beautiful friendship.

Perrie's p.o.v

 We went back to the academy after the truth or dare incident. My cheek still hurts. "Bye guys. Tomorrow can we work on the song," I asked as I walked down the silent empty hallway. "Yeah. Of course," Jade said, "Bye." "Bye" I got to know Jade a lot more. She is not a nerd!  I walked to my dorm, but got stopped by Mimi." Perrie! You didn't show up for the play! It was today," Mimi said. Oh no! "Today! I'm sorry Mimi. I know how this play meant a lot to you-" "Save it. Just, just don't talk to me." Mimi walked off. "Um Mimi, where are you going? We are roommates. We share dorms," I said. "I knew that," Mimi said in an angry voice. Great, just great.




Sucky chapter I know. Can you guys comment and tell what should happen next I'm running out of ideas. Just tell me something like they go swimming and I'll come up with the rest. This chapter is super short!!!!!!!!!!!! I promise next chapter will be a long chapter.

Change your life (A Little Mix Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें