Chapter...... I don't know

971 54 18

Perrie's POV

I pulled away slowly, as a blush formed on my cheeks.

"So... Does that mean you're my girlfriend?"

Leigh's POV

I tried to wiggle out of the mans grip, trembling terribly. The man walked backwards looking around to check of anyone was looking, then pulled me into a trunk of a car.

My terror turned into tears once I noticed I was being kidnapped, and probably going to be raped.. Or worse.

Before the man closed the trunk, he tied my hands up tightly, and quickly.

I was to scared to even look who the man was, though I knew I should take a look just encase I escape.

When I slowly looked up, the trunk slammed shut.

I whimpered, and thought," I'm going to die, I'm going to die."

I couldn't believe Jesy and Jade left me like that! What kind of friends do that?! Well, I would probably do the same thing.

My tears slowly dried up as I calmed myself. I was surprised I was able to do that, but I conquered.

Jesy's POV

I opened the doors to the academy and walked in. My heart was beating fast as I started running to the principle's office. Jade started hyperventilating once I actually got there.

I slammed the door open and quickly yelled," CALL 911!"

"What?! Why?" Mrs.Grays asked as her hand grasped the telephone. She dialed the numbers as I told her what happened.

"Jade calm down," I told Jade as she shook her head.

"I can't. I can't! Leigh-Anne got kidnapped and we just left her like that!" she yelled. She then grasped her stomach.

"Ehhh.... I think I'm going to-."

She wasn't able to finish as chunks of food hurled to the ground, making me gag and look away.

I then realized I should help, and grabbed a trashcan that was nearby and slid it over to where she was.

I fanned myself even though it was about 70° here.

"Yes. Uh huh. The man just grabbed her out of nowhere. Um..," Mrs. Grays turned and looked at us," Do you guys know how he looked like?"

I looked at Jade who finally finished.

That was when I realized we had no clue.


A/N: Okay, this is enormously short, but at least I updated! I really wanted to just show what's happening in each... Um.. let's just call it sections. Anyways! Who do you guys think kidnapped Leigh-Anne? Well, someone out there already know, since she gave me this idea,. You know who you are;)

Sooooo, not a lot of people answered to who Leigh should be with, so it's a tie with Niall and Liam:) Sooooo, the fight is still on!

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