Nightmare come true?

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🌙Willa POV🌙
I wake up and get ready to go to Seabrook because I'm well enough to go back. After a while, Wyatt wakes up and also gets ready. We all three go to Seabrook and people immediately are shocked when they see me back. We all go to our separate classes. After a few hours we meet up at lunch. Why do people look at me so weird? I ask. Because you have been gone for a long time so people are kinda like why is she back? Wyatt says. O, I guess that makes sense. I say confused. After lunch, we go to class again for 3 hours. Why does school take so long I don't get it at all. I say to myself annoyed.

Nobody's POV
Then in science class, they are doing experiments everything was going alright then some students accidentally made a smoke bomb and makes the students get out of the classroom. Some students knock down a few flammable flasks and then out off nowhere a big boom happened and the school caught on fire.

Hi guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Do you think Willa's nightmare will come true and Wyatt dies or do they all get out safely?

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