Chapter 27 - Yes or No...And Fighting?

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sorry bout the wait and thank you on your feedback on the previous chapter, means a lot :)


Heather's P.O.V

Lets get one thing straight, Jordan just asked me out and he know's that Drake is my mate. How did he find out in the first place?

I could feel Danica stirring in my head and I immediately tuned in to her thought's.

"Drake is outside the door," Danica said straight away, "And I can feel that he is getting anxious for our answer, almost as much as Jordan is." I sighed and started to sniff the air slightly, I noticed Jordan from the corner of my eye and he was watching me with confusion written over his features.

"Heather what are you-" I cut him off by slamming my palm over his mouth, I coould hear shuffling at the door and soon enough Drake stormed in with an angry gleam in his eyes.

"DIDN'T I CLEARLY TELL YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM MY MATE!" Drake screamed as he marched his way to where we were standing. I still haven't moved my hand from Jordan's mouth and Drake still seemed to have not noticed it.

Jordan stayed silent for two reasons, 1) my hand was covering his mouth and 2) the pleading look I was sending him that would probably even make puppies cry. Although I could still feel Jordan shaking in rage, even under my touch he refused to calm down...I blame the Alpha genes.

Finally finding my voice I spoke up, "Drake, I suggest you leave before Jordan loses control of his wolf and if that happen's I'll probably lose my control...and you haven't seen me give in fully to my wolf before, I always still had that little but of self-control involved then."

I could see a look of confusion cross Drake;s eyes while Jordan just stared at me blankly, I guess he is still trying to process the information. 

"Mate, upset," Danica whimpered; I had to try my hardest not to roll my eyes at her.

"Really, I never knew," I said in a sarcastic sing-song voice, only causing Danica to huff in return. God, she needs to straighten out her priorities!

"Fine, but we need to talk later," Drake said after I had finished my inner debate with Danica, I nodded in return and watched him as he slowly walked towards the door. Drake stopped and turned to face me, with an hopeful look in his eyes, I just shook my head and watched as he left the room with his head bowed down.

"Now," I said, once the door was closed and Drake's intoxicating scent was distant, "You want my answer now right?"

Jordan nodded his head excitedly causing me to giggle by the way his red hair flipped over his eyes; Jordan blushed slightly and pushed the hair out of his eyes. I giggled even more and Jordan's face went as red as a tomato. I never knew that a man could go so red, guess it was just genes.

"I think I might.." I trailed off, suddenly going in to deep thought. I faced Jordan and looked him straight in his electric blue eyes, he was literally pleading me to say yes and I am certain that he'll treat me better then James did. If he doesn't then we are defiantly going to have some issues!

"Yea, I think I will Jordan," I watched him nervously as Jordan jumped back in shock.

"Wh-what?" Jordan stuttered, he looked at me wide-eyed before a huge smile broke out on his face; I smiled slightly as his dimples showed causing his face to wrinkle up.

"Tomorrow night then?" He asked, a look more confidence seemed to be in his voice now.

"Yep," I said, before kissing him on the cheek, "just don't get to cocky."

I smirked as I watched his cheeks turn bright red again; but once he saw y expression he actually tried to look away from me. Although that didn't help because I could still see his red cheeks hiding behind his hair.

"Aww, your blushing," I cooed, but that only made Jordan go a very bright red, which I didn't know was possible until now.

"Shut up," Jordan muttered, keeping his gaze on everything but my amused face.

"Jordan," I said, trying to get his attention, but I think that made him more determined to keep his gaze on my very interesting shoes, "For once I'm not the one blushing! But just so you know, if you ever cheat on me, you'll regret it...But if its your mate, let me know first alright? That was the mistake James made, not telling me what Erica was to him and look where that got him? In the unknown territory."

Jordan finally met my gaze, his electric blue eyes geld so much happiness, lust and hope. Wait, re-wind, LUST?! Why do I always have these affects on people with Alpha blood?!

"What's in the unknown territory that we know of?" Jordan asked, curiosity probably getting hold of him there.

I sighed deeply before talking, "There isn't much information on that land but I hear that there are ancient witches, which are actually strong enough that they can control and kill a regular werewolf with a single spell or potion. There are also rouges, but the ones that live on the territory are usually under the witches spells, so their not there on purpose. But that's all I know of, I don't worry about it much anymore considering we're only staying here for a few months at most, although we still need to stay open minded about the dangers, they could follow us if we're not careful."

Jordan nodded his head slowly, the information was probably trying to settle in now, "Come on, lets get out of here then aye?" Jordan spoke after a while, although he started to use a British accent that did not suit him at all.

I couldn't help but to start laughing hysterically at him, soon enough,I was on the floor clutching my stomach and Jordan was looking down at me with an amused expression lingering on his face.

Soon enough though, Jordan started to laugh along with me, see, I'm just that AWESOME!

Emmerson's P.O.V


When I first met Gaby we immediatly became close friends, but soon we started to talk about mates and how we didn't need them.

I guess that we just don't want anyone to rule over our lives, tell us what to do, what to wear and who we are allowed to talk to. Cause come on! Who wants someone like THAT in their lives?

Gaby and I are independent, just like our wolfs and unfortunately for our mates we are as stubborn as mules so we aren't going to give up easily! 

We both know that one day we are going to give in to our mates but why not have a little fun before that happens? Its going to be SO fun teasing them, pranking them and flirting because they'll get mad at us then they'll have to stop themselves before they hurt us....FUNNY AS!

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