Chapter 35 - Run Gaby Run

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Gaby’s P.O.V

I ran as fast as I could away from Emmerson and hopefully towards the pack house. Right now I was safe as long as I was 100metres away from the she-devil. In my head I pretended there was tomato sauce packet’s chasing after me and that is ALWAYS my motivation to go faster.

"YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME YOU EVIL DOERS! I screamed to no-one in particular as the pack house came in to my line of vision. I finally started to slow down again and I took the chance to look behind me and as far as I could tell no-one was chasing me....Shit.

I grumbled as I stormed my way inside the pack house; basically knocking anything breakable over in the process. 

"What's wrong Gaby?" I heard a soft voice ask from behind me. I turned on my heel and looked Heather straight in the face; I stared at her long and hard like I forgot something important that I should tell her. Eh, it probably wasn't that important anyway.

"Nothing, just running from Emmerson because she was angry with me," I said with a shrug, causing Heather to chuckle. She shook her head from side to side as I started to smirk at her evilly.

"Why has Jordan been in such a good mood lately?" I asked her mockingly. Heather started to blush beet-root red and I laughed to loudly in her face. I heard her mumble something but couldn't quite catch it over my laughter so after I stopped laughing and managed to BREATH! I asked her to repeat.

"What did you say?"

"We have a date tonight," She muttered a little louder.

"Didn't quite catch that Alpha," I teased her and leaned my ear in closer to her mouth so then I could mock her some more.

"WE HAVE A BLOODY DATE TONIGHT!" She screamed in my highly sensitive ears. I rubbed them gently and playfully glared at Heather who right now, looked like she was sun burnt. 

"Did you stay in the sun to long Alpha?" I asked while poking her check playfully. I continued to poke her check and Heather looked like she was starting to get pissed off with me but I didn't care, she has really chubby checks......

"Are you done?" She asked in a sarcastic tone. I smiled at her politely before shaking my head side to side in a crazy fashion. I continued to poke her surprising soft, chubby sun burnt checks, even when she tried to walk away from me.......THIS IS FUN!

Some how I has managed to poke her checks while walking upstairs....I AM A GENIUS!

"GABY YOU ARE DONE NOW!" She screamed again....right in my preious ears again. I pouted at her and did puppy dog eyes but some how she was immune to them....How? I decided to ignore her and poked her check again, making Heather growl warningly at me.

I tsked her, "That is no way to speak to a pack member Heather," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. She turned her rage filled face towards me and I gulped as she took a very unwanted step towards me.

"We're all friends here right?" I asked while backing away with my hands raised in the air. Heather ignored me and continued to take her short strides towards me. I heard the front door open from down stairs and I quickly glanced at Heather to see if she noticed.....she didn't. Maybe she is to preoccupied with her thoughts about murdering me.....

I took a step towards Heather, watching her reaction very carefully. A startled expression made its way on to her pale face as I pushed her away from me and bolted down the stairs while picturing her as tomato sauce...I HATE tomato sauce, its my worst enemy.....

 When I was about 10 metres away from the door I felt strong muscular arms encircle around my waist and literally lifted me up off the ground. I heard a light male chuckle from behind me and instantly knew who it was.... and I realised that he has the worst timing imaginable.

"JASON! LET ME GO!" I screamed just as Heather turned around the corner.  I let out another scream as she came to a stop in front of Jason and I, her eyes were full of anger and she had a sickly sweet smile planted on her face.

"Why would I do that Gaby?" He asked in a sarcastic tone, pissing me the hell off. "So what have you done to my dear little sister now?"

Before I had a chance to answer my shit of a mate the front door decided to bang open again. Can you guess who walked in? If you thought it was Emmerson you are incorrect because it was Kelsey. I haven't seen her in a while, I wonder where she has been disappearing to.....

She looked between me, Jason and Heather with a amused, confused and horrified face. "Do I WANT to know?" She asked sarcastically and I smiled innocently at her...I'm anything but innocent though.

 Heather was just about to open her mouth to speak when two pairs of footsteps started to make their way down the stairs and towards us. I soon realized that it was Heather's parents and quickly hid my face in to Jason's chest. I wonder why he hasn't said anything about this yet.....

I could hear their footsteps stop a couple of metres away from us and suddenly felt like I shouldn't even be in the room, who wants to be in the same room with a family that has some serious issues? NOT ME! 

We all just stood there awkwardly for about five minutes without even the sightliest movement from ANYONE! 

I started to squirm in Jason's grip and he placed me down on the ground slowly, I sent him a grateful smile before turning around to face everyone else.

"I would love to stay and chat but I must be off," I said before turning around to face the front door, but just as I reached out to grab it, the door was swung open by a very pissed off Drake with Emmerson and Trent following him inside. I wonder what happened......

I sent Emmerson a curious look but she just shrugged it off and smirked at me. I groaned, I never really realised how awkward a hallway could get in under an hour.......well....I know now don't I?


Sorry, I know its short but I would really like to know who's P.O.V you guys would like me to do next and if you guys have any idea's on where Jordan and Heather will go on their date, thanks :) 

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