Chapter 42 - Death and Destruction

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So sorry about the wait, I was just waiting till it was the holidays and I got a bit busy with some things that have been going on, other then that, no excuses. And I'm sorry, I know its short but I really want to give you guys something. Please let me know what you think


Heather's P.O.V

The bush scratched at my sensitive skin as I moved about to get to a better angle. The witches were laughing hysterically and the short one had her hand raised in the air, almost clenching it. Noticing movement from beside me I turned my head sharply to face Emily, who was clawing at her head as though there were demons inside of it.

"Go," She whispered harshly before pushing me out of the bush. Soon the tall witch turned to face me with a sinister smile plastered on to her face. I glared angrily and I could already feel my fur starting to sprout from my skin and my claws only slightly touching my palms.

"Well demon, lets see if you can hurt another," She said. The short witch soon managed to use her magic to pull Emily out of the bush. I growled at her as she did it and all the pair of them did was smile at me wickedly. "Lets make it a death fight. I think that will be a lot more fun," the short one spoke up yet again, making the tall witch laugh and nod in agreement. 

I turned on my heel quickly to face Emily again and I tried my hardest not to run away from her. Her bright red eyes were now rimed with yellow, drool was pouring out of her mouth like a waterfall and her veins were starting to pop out of her skin from strain. She looked like a monster.

"Emily, try to think," I said nervously while backing away from her with my hands raised. She hissed at me wildly before lunging towards me at a high speed. Quickly I dove to the side just before she reached me, I jumped up to my feet as quickly as I could and faced her again. Although, this time I was prepared for her to attack me.

"Demon child," she growled at me. I could still hear the witches behind me, starting to take bets on who was going to win this fight. Ignoring them as best as I could, I shifted all of my attention towards the slightly possessed girl that stood before me. Thinking about that now, I guess possessed people should always take priority. 

Shaking my head of my thoughts I started to take my defensive position. "Emily what are you talking about?" I asked before she lunged at me again. But this time I used her own weight against her. Just as she landed on top of me, I managed to grab hold of her arms and force her to land on to the ground with me on top of her so then she would have to stay there.

Emily started growling and tried to bite and any part of my flesh that went near her mouth. Annoyed, I lifted her arms in to the air, pulling her whole body forward, before slamming her back down on to the muddy terrain. 

Suddenly, Emily started screaming in agony. I jumped off her immediatly and watching in horror as her body was raised in to the air. I couldn't find the courage to look away from her. She was crying now and all I could hear was the witches laughing and Emily's cries for help. Once I finally got back to my senses, I started to charge at the pair of them but the tall witch took notice and cast one of her spells at me, freezing me in place.

"Now demon," She said coldly before starting to circle me with a delighted expression on her wrinkled face. "Watch her die."

She forced my body to turn around and face Emily, who was still in the air, but she had stopped screaming now. I watched in horror as a spark started to light on the ground underneath her. As the bright flames started to rise higher, the witches started to lower Emily closer and closer to the ground. Eventually, her clothes caught. as well.

She was screaming louder then ever as her skin also started to catch fire. Her skin started to turn in to rotting flesh as the witches burned her alive. Thankfully, her screaming soon ended, but I had to stop myself from crying out to her because of the way she ended.

The witches though, they were laughing again and they were praising each other for their good job. But when they finally started to calm down, they glared at me with a insane sparkle gleaming in their eyes.

"Now demon," said the short witch with an evil glint in her eyes, "do you want to go see your pack? I'm sure they all miss you."

"What did you do to them? I'M NOT A DEMON!" 

"Oh, has your father not told you? Oh, I forgot, you were adopted in to a family, being pulled away from your werewolf father and from your mother, who was not even a human at all, why would your family want a demon like you at all?" The tall witch said wickedly.


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