Chapter 10 - Revenge on James

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Heather's P.O.V


"Stop please," I cried out, my Dad didn't though, pushed me to the ground, I landed face first and I could feel my nose drenched in blood.

My 'father' smirked down at me as he started to kick me in the gut, I could feel my ribs breaking from underneath the pressure.

At the time dad had some friends over, that guy was there, the one that was killed. He was grinning wildly and watched as I screamed out in pain.

Although all the over males were giving me looks of pity and regret. If they feel sorry foor me why don't they help me?!

I screamed in pain as my dad pulled me to my feet by my hair and opened his mouth to speak.

"You are the biggest mistake your mother and I have made. You do not deserve to live."

I stared at him in disbelief, he is telling his 10 year old daughter that she is only a mistake! What a jerk!

I glared at the cruel man in front of me, dad jumped back in surprise at my sudden mood swing, he let do of my hair and gave me a quizzical look. I think I might of seen some sort of pride in his eyes, but I've been wrong before!

"How was I the mistake?" I asked, my voice cracked slightly from when I was crying before.


*Dream Over*

I woke up drenched in sweat and screaming my head off. Jordan, James, Kelsey and Gaby bolted in to my room with a scared look on their faces. The four of the looked around the room for any sign's of danger, but when they saw none they gave me an annoyed look.

"Why were you screaming?" Kelsey asked, her voice soft and gentle.

"B-Bad dream," I stuttered, Jordan and James left my room in a huff and Kelsey and Gaby stayed to comfort me.

"What happened?" Gaby asked, rubbing my back gently.

"You know how you dream about things in your past," I paused to gather a shakey breath, "well that's what happened."

Kelsey and Gaby remained quiet, sharing knowing expressions with one another. 

"I got to go, sorry," Kelsey said, looking at me apologetically. I nodded at Kelsey and she left the room. Gaby stayed though and her eyes held an evil glint inside. We both stared at each other for a little longer and then started to laugh evilly.

"Can you direct me to the garage?" I asked, a little to cheerfully.

"Yes defiantly," Gaby grabbed my wrist and I looked at her, "who is this trip for?"

"A certain Beta I know," I answered, my evil smirk returned to my face.

Gaby and I started to laugh histerically as we headed towards the garage, with spray cans in hand.

The other day when Gaby and I were talking she told me how James LOVED his cars and how he would never let anyone even touch them. Well were not going to touch them are we? Just give them another coat of paint, nothing personal.

Gaby's P.O.V

Heather is going to LOVE me for the colour's I got for James' cars. There is a hot pink, lime green and a really horrid bright yellow. God, I can't wait.

We entered the garage and I led Heather over to James' cars. James only has three cars but he wanted them all black for some reason, no clue why. That just makes them easier to wreak if you ask me!

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