Chapter 43 - Rouges

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I'm not going to bore everyone with a long authors note, I just want to say thanks if you read this far. I really appreciate it. 

Thought it would be a nice change to right a different style in this chapter as well...SURPRISE! 


Heather's P.O.V

I tried my hardest to force myself to fight against the magic that held me in my place, but that only encouraged to make the witches spell on me stronger. "What do you mean not a demon?" the tall witch said with a fake laugh.

"How else would you be able to hold our necklace, be able to survive for so long under this spell, an average werewolf would be screaming in agony if they were in your place, but not you. You just have to be lucky enough to have the demon Lilith as your mother. How pathetic you are to her name." The witch sneered with an ugly scowl plastered on her face.

My vision started to blur and the only thing I could hear was the sound of the not so distant crackling fire behind me. I tried desperately to process the information but I wasn't able to. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the witches lifted me higher in to the air, then proceeding to toss me away from them. Groaning, I lent upwards on my elbows and glared angrily at the both of them. Although the witches laughed happily as they walked away, deep in to the forest and out of my sight.

I blinked continuously, trying to regain my fading sight. The last thought that consumed my mind before I was surrounded by darkness was who is Lilith?

Third person view - Pack House

The packs were dying out, Drake observed with a snarl as he snapped the neck of the rouge that opposed him. Jordan it seems, noticed to, so he nodded roughly at him before attacking another rouge. 

He circled the rouge, Jordan's paws felt slippery against the blood drenched ground. Bodies of rouges and allies littered the field while only a few pack members seemed to be alive. The rouge noticed how Jordan wasn't paying full attention to his movements, so as stealthily as he could, he jumped at him.

Jordan was startled as the rouge landed on top of him at full force, pinning him to the ground instantly, he snarled at him, the growl alone was filled with so much venom that it would make an average person cower in fear, but it didn't startle the rouge. Without hesitating, the rouge ripped out Jordan's throat, making him die instantly underneath him.

Quickly, the rouge jumped to his feet and quickly scanned the area to see where he might be needed. Quickly seeing an injured female wolf fighting a much younger rouge he bolted to aid the rouge. The female wolf glared darkly at him as he approached her but the rouge didn't let it startle him. 

Emmerson glared hatefully at the larger wolf that appeared in front of her. She knew deep down that she wouldn't be able to take him down while she was injured, especially since she was out numbered. She growled at him before lunging at the other wolf that faced her. She surprised the young rouge when she pinned him to the ground, but before she could end his life the older rouge pushed her off him and forced her to the ground. The last thing she saw before her neck was snapped was his grey eyes rimmed with yellow. 

The rouge jumped off Emmerson after he snapped her neck and yet again scanned the area for another pack member  to which he wanted to take down. Seeing the Alpha fighting three rouges in the distance, he made him as his target.

Drake noticed from the corner of his eye a rouge running in his direction, but continued to keep his focus on the rouges that faced him at that moment. He side-stepped a rouge that lunged at him and clawed at the small rouges face, leaving deep scratches in its place. The small rouge growled at him and suddenly Drake could feel the weight of another wolf on his back.

The older rouge landed on Drake's back harshly, he started to dig his claws deep in to the young Alpha's sides. The alpha tossed and turned and desperately tried to shake the rouge off him and succeeded moments later. The older rouge landed on his side abruptly, he snarled at the Alpha who then proceeded to land on top of the rouge.

Drake stared down at the rouge, anger evident in his eyes, before he moved his head to rip out the old rouges throat. But as the life slipped out of the rouge, the Alpha took notice of the rouges eyes because as his life slipped away, the yellow rims faded as well, making the rouge look more in control of his being.

Stepping away from the rouge harshly, Drake faced the other three rouges who shared the same sneer on their faces, one of anger and insanity. The tallest out of the three rouges stepped forward and growled at Drake, while the young Alpha growled back menacingly. Without hesitating, Drake lunged forward and pinned the rouge down.

But while the Alpha was distracted, the remaining rouges surrounding him pushed Drake on to his side, catching him by surprise. By the time the young Alpha realised what was happening the three rouges were on him, quickly ending his short life. 

A few metres away Kelsey was faced with two rouges, neither of them were taller or stronger than her. She smirked wickedly at them but stopped as they shifted in to their human forms. A man and women stood before her, but the fact that stood out the most to her was that she recognised the pair that stood before her.  

James and Erica smiled evilly down at Kelsey while she shifted uncomfortably on her paws. But in the distance Gaby could sense Kelsey’s distress and ran to her aid. As she arrived, Gaby set her eyes on the pair standing before her and growled viciously at them, only making their evil smiles grow all the more.

The two girls shifted in to their human forms so then they would be eye level with James and Erica. “Miss us?” 

~ An hour later ~

Heather woke up with her head pounding, she looked up from the dirt and her eyes were set on the patch of dead grass that laid three metres away from her. Although in the centre of the dead grass laid an unrecognisable body, who Heather knew was Emily.

Emily’s body was all black now, her flesh rotten and an foul odour was expelling from the body. Heather’s nose scrunched up in disgust, and she could feel her unshed tears gathering at the corners of her eyes for her lost friend, but somehow she managed to hold them back. 

Heather gathered up all of her confused thoughts and slowly got to her feet. She ran her hands through her thick long hair in confusion. “Where am I?” She thought to herself in wonder. Suddenly, she remembered which direction the witches had walked in  and with a jump in her step, set forth to follow them. Determination to avenge her friend was the only thought that clouded her mind as she started to track down the two women that ended her. 

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