Chapter 41 - For Better or for Worse

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Emmerson's P.O.V 

(continuing from the last chapter because I had serious writers block, sorry about that by the way)

Growling again the rouge wolf found its way back on to its feet, as I quickly did the same. We circled each other like we were stuck in slow motion, never losing eye contact. The wolf stepped slightly forward towards me, making me growl in warning at it, but of course it didn't acknowledge my warning.

The rouge wolf pounced at me yet again, but this time I was ready for it. I quickly jumped on to my back and as soon as the rouge wolf collided with my hind legs I managed to kick it further away from me.

Standing back up on my feet, I tried to run towards Gaby, who was pretty quickly becoming overwhelmed with the amount of rouges that surrounded her. She growled at all of them but they all just howled in anger in return. Gaby's blood splattered teeth were bare as she practically hissed at all of them, warning them to back away from her.

But before I could do anything the wolf which helped me earlier jumped in to the action. He basically pranced from rouge to rouge, tearing them apart almost flawlessly. I shook my head slightly before soon jumping in to the action with Gaby doing so almost right behind me.

I thought as hard and fast as I could, but soon I could see black dots dancing around in my vision. My body was losing too much blood from my injury. Soon enough, I stopped fighting all together; my paws seemed to be just as blurry as everything else around me. The world became dots and circles of red and black, and I could hear the almost silent battles cries of my foes just before everything went dark. 

Heather's P.O.V

Emily and I stayed quite for hours, just listening to the loud creak of the floorboards above our heads, this place seemed awfully quite though, almost too quite. Ignoring the fact that I was still bound down to the wall, I somehow managed to get on to my feet. Emily stayed where she was though and payed no attention to me what so ever, how helpful! Sarcasm intended there. 

I tried my hardest to stay silent. I was hoping, basically praying that the witches wouldn't somehow come in around this time. Holding my breath, I started to yank on the shackles, and almost cringed at the jingling sound that echoed in the dusty room.

"What are you doing?" Emily questioned. I ignored her and started to yank harder, I even started to kick out my feet behind me and on to the wall in desperation of getting free, but it didn't prevail. "Just give up already!" Emily said annoyed. I shot my head towards her and gave her a hard glare.

"Unless you actually want to SEE the witches at their full power then go ahead and keep sitting there, otherwise shut up and help out," I snapped harshly. Emily cringed a little but nevertheless got up and attempted to try to get her own shackle's off.   We both rested slightly, breathing harshly from our useless attempts of breaking the chains. 

"What are these shackles made of?" I asked annoyed and held the shiny silver chains in my hands lightly.

"Steel," Emily huffed out. I sighed deeply before leaning back against the wall and started to bang my head against it in frustration. Suddenly, my hands started to burn, hissing, I jumped away from the wall and stared at it as it started to turn red in the place were I was leaning on. The redness started to spread all around the room and soon enough it started to creep on to the steel shackles.

Emily and I stared in horror as it was only about an inch away from our fingertips. I could feel the heat radiating off the steel but just before it actually reached our wrists the steel underneath started to melt. Quickly, all the steel had melted away and Emily and I were jogging towards the exit of the basement, both of us eager to get away before either the witches came back or the room decided to change colours again.

Before we walked out of the room though, Emily checked to see if the hallways were clear for us to leave, and to our luck it was. The long narrow hallway seemed to go on forever, the walls were a dark green and the wooden floorboards underneath my feet creaked with every step. Emily and I continued to walk down the bare, lonely hallway in silence, we were both scared that we might trigger some sort of alarm.

"Not far to go now," Emily whispered, her voice on just managing to reach my ears. I didn't even bother to nod at her because I know that right now isn't the correct time to talk to her. Once we finally reached the end of the hallway the pair of us pressed our ears against the front door so then we could listen in for footsteps or talking.  

Nothing obvious reached our ears so I slowly, but silently creaked the front door open only to be stopped short when the sight reached our eyes. The two witches stood outside on the edges of the forest, they had their backs turned towards us and it almost seemed as if they were praying, but before either Emily or I could more they turned around to face us. 

"It's about time the pair of you showed up," they both said at once with identical evil grins plastered on their faces. Emily and I shared looks of panic before diving in to the bushes at the side of the house as one of their spells was cast towards us. Well, looks like escaping turned out to be for the worse. 

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