Chapter 20: We Are Family Now

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Zayn's P.O.V

We are around the corner from the restaurant and traffic is making it difficult to get there any quicker. Everyone is already there, waiting for us and said that it should be fine finding a parking spot. There was an accident on the route I choose, but it's not affecting the road that the restaurant is on.

I'm really nervous and I can tell the girls are too. From the rear view mirror, I can see both Kyra and Letty placing their hands on Vexi's legs to stop them from bouncing. It's amazing how close they are, even though they are triplets, they seem so individual, yet so identical at the same time.

I'm not nervous because our family won't like them or because something might go wrong, but I'm nervous because it's a lot for everyone to take in. They're only twelve year old girls and they've just been adopted and forced into our world, which is about to get worse when we introduce them to the world tomorrow.

The last week and a bit, we've been really discrete and haven't gone out in public yet, other than to the meeting yesterday and when we took the Hatchi, our dog, to the park. Perrie had insisted that we take a few pictures of us, before the media takes our first family photo. I like that she thinks like this, and want everything to be special, yet hidden from the world, so we have some aspects of our lives that remain private.

I finally park the car into a parking space, just across the road from the restaurant. It's almost like everything is in slow motion as we get out of the car, nerves being highlighted through this. Due to the weather warming up, despite normal cold London, we all just wore summer clothing and brought jackets along with us.

Perrie is wearing a tight fitted, high waisted, dark denim shorts with a red see through top and a black crop top underneath. Letty is wearing a black dress that stops just before the knee, with a floral pattern, clearly Perrie picked out. Vexi is wearing a plum coloured, halter-neck dress with black beading and a black bow, that hugs her flat chest and puffs out into a summer style at her stomach. Kyra has a baby blue summer dress, with a similar style to Vexi's but puffs out at her waist, with a dark blue ribbon and lace starting from her waist down. I'm just wearing black skinny jeans, a white top and my leather jacket.

As we approach the doors to the restaurant, I watch both Vexi and Letty take Perrie's offered hands. I watch Perrie squeeze their hands lightly, smiling down at both of them as they reciprocate the action. Kyra's eyes fixed on their hands, only a few paces a head of me, she spins on her heal to face me and walks backwards. Her eyebrows lift in a slight amused manner, gesturing to the scene in front of us, causing a chuckle to escape my lips. For the youngest, she has great insight on reading her sisters.

Before she can turn to walk normally, I tug at her arm, pulling her into a one arm, side hug. She wrapped one arm around me too, the other clenching her white cardigan. I pull back only a little to place a kiss on her forehead.

Once I pull away she giggles, rubbing the spot I kissed.

"What? Don't you like my kisses?" I ask, faking a upset tone.

"No... It's just that," she raises her hands to my face, tracing my jaw and chin, "it's scratchy" she laughs, removing her hand.

I clench my hand that I had placed on her waist to give her a squeeze, only for her to squeal loud enough for me to hear. A laugh escapes my lips once again, as we catch up to the other three. Perrie and I scan the room to spot our family right at the back of the restaurant, private from other customers. We lead the girls towards them and as soon as my little sister, Safaa, spots us, she squeaks a little, make everyone at the table turn towards us.

Our mothers were the first to wrap both Perrie and I in hugs, followed my my father's manly handshake and Perrie's brothers tight hug. I quickly hugged and kissed my sisters before returning to my girls.

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