Chapter 12: Sticking Together

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Harry's P.O.V

We've been waiting in the lounge room for the girls to finish unpacking. I replayed the videos from today for everyone to watch and we laughed at the girls reactions.

"Harry, that was very smart of you to record" Eleanor praised me.

"I'm a very smart guy" I laughed at myself.

"Remember to send them to us later. It would be cool but really embarrassing for them if we played them like at their eighteenth birthday or something" Zayn patted me on the back.

"This is really cool" everyone turned to Perrie for her to continue. "I mean actually having them here as our daughters and thinking about celebrating their birthdays and stuff like that" she stared at nothing in particular and smiled to herself.

"It is" Zayn wrapped his arms around Perrie. "By the way, I love you" he said and kissed her.

Everyone made disgusted sounds and faces.

"Gross! PDA much" Vexi exclaimed as she descended from the stairs with Letty.

Zayn and Perrie pulled away, slightly embarrassed with the girls catching them.

"Sorry, loves" Zayn tried to hide his smile.

"Nuh, it's all good but just keep it down tonight, yeah?" Letty joked.

The rest of us snickered at her comment, but Zayn and Perrie.

"You're like almost thirteen" Perrie said grossed out by her comment.

"All she's saying is make sure we're asleep tonight, if not, give us earplugs" Vexi said without being phased.

The laughter was louder then before. Louis pulled Letty onto his lap and Jesy pulled Vexi into the couch with her as the laughter continued with other joining in with the dirty comments.

"Alright that's enough now" Zayn bellowed over the laughter.

"Look at him, already acting like a daddy" Liam cooed, pinching Zayn's cheeks.

Zayn slapped his hand away. Prada jumped up onto the couches arm rest, right near Letty.

"So this is Prada?"

"Yep" Perrie answered, popping the 'p'.

"She's adorable" Letty curled her index finger and rubbed it into Prada's fur. Prada purred at the sensation and curved into Letty's touch.

"Where's Kybear?" Letty asked.

"I think she's still in her room. I'll go check on her" I said rising from the couch.

I made my way upstairs and stopped at Ky's door. I knocked twice and entered slowly, knowing she couldn't reply. I saw her staring at her wall paper sheet music.

I approached her quietly and said "Hey, you done packing?"

She nodded her head yes.

"Everyone's down stairs. You wanna come join?" I asked.

She turned to face me and that's when I noticed she had been crying.

"Are you ok?" I asked concerned as I wiped away a tear that was rolling down her cheek.

She nodded her head quickly and sniffled. She quickly whipped her head around in search of something. I quickly understood what she was looking for.

"Are you looking for your white board?" I asked.

She didn't look at me but nodded her head.

"Here, just type on my phone" I reached for my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it, opening a new page on Notes.

She took it out of my hand and began typing. After a minute, she had typed like a paragraph and handed the phone back to me. I read it quietly to myself as I felt her study my face for a response to her typing.

'I'm just reading over some of my old lyrics. I was literally so upset when I thought I lost them and it's emotional reading them again. Some bring back the pain from when I wrote them. And I think I'm crying because of that, or the fact that I finally have them back. I tried to rewrite them but failed miserably. It's just nice to have the back again.'

"Which one would be you're favourite that you've written" I asked.

She quickly looked over the wall and found the one she was looking for and pointed to it. 'Summer Love'.

"Why 'Summer Love'?" I asked carefully.

I remembered reading it and it was really good. I held out my phone for her to take. She carefully took it.

She held it in her hand for a minute and looked over the lyrics. A tear rolled down her cheek and I was quick to wipe it away, not rushing her at all. She began to types as I re-read the lyrics. She handed the phone back to me.

'It's about my best friend, Logan. Two years ago he asked me to be his girlfriend. Last summer he found out he had leukaemia. At the end of the summer he had to move for chemotherapy. The last few weeks we had together, I watched him get sicker and sicker but everyday he made it so memorable. I loved him, not only as a boyfriend but a best friend as well. He was someone that I could talk to about anything. When he left, he told me he didn't want to make it harder on me. He told me he loved me and then he cut contact. I'm lucky to get an email from his mother maybe once a month but it's just to give my sisters and I updates. He was like a brother to them and it hurt us all when he left. He wrote it with me and that's what I love it the most.'

I looked up to see her crying again. I wrapped her in a tight hug and whispered reassuring words as she shook in my arms.

"I know I can't change anything, but at least you have a family to lean on now, not just your sisters. Everyone down stairs already love you so much, and we're here for you and your sisters. We can help you through this. Stick with me and I'll make sure you're ok, whether that's when your sisters pick on you or when you're thinking about him" I tried to comfort her.

I stopped talking and let her cry. We stood there until she pulled away and wiped her face.

"You know he must really love you to have let you go. He must be in so much pain from that and I'm sure he uses you as motivation to get through it" I kissed her forehead.

She quickly wiped more tears and motioned to the door and pulled me down stairs, stopping at the mirror to make sure she didn't look like she was crying.

She smiled warmly as we walked into the lounge room to join everyone.

Authors Note:

I know Kyra is a little young to have had a boyfriend already, but you know those childhood relationships where you're convinced you'll marry them and blah blah blah.

I had also changed the ages of the girls a few times but I made them younger so I have the option to write a second book if I wanted too. I wanted to show their growth too.

Anyway, enjoy :)

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