Chapter 1: Nerves

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Perrie's P.O.V

The last orphanage we are going to look at is London's Orphanage For Girls. Both Zayn and I were talking about adopting a boy, but it can't hurt looking at girls, seeing as we can't seem to find a boy yet. We've tried every other orphanage and no one stood out, boy or girl. I don't know whether it's because we can't find the right child or if we're not exactly ready to adopt. It like in some parallel way, the reason we haven't adopted yet is because we being unfaithful to ourselves not admitting that we're not ready.

I've always wanted a child and I guess I've always wanted the whole pregnancy experience, but when I had to have major surgery on my uterus, when I was a late teen, the inflammation of my uterus walls makes it impossible to conceive for a while. At the end of the day I just want a child to love Zayn and I and to have a child I can spoil rotten- and trust me I would.

Currently, Zayn and I are in the car on our way to the orphanage. I can't help but feel nervous, not only because this is our last chance to find someone to adopt for a while, but also because within this place, could be the child we've been waiting for. My hand begin to shake and the only thing I can do to steady them is to grip them tightly, turning my knuckles white.

Zayn seemed to noticed my nerves, as he placed one of his large hand over mine, the other firmly on the wheel. I smiled up to him, but he could see the nerves within the smile. He smiled a more convincing smile and takes my hands to his lips, where he placed a soft, reassuring kiss.

"It'll be ok" he tried to reassure me as his gaze went back to the rode. I hummed in response. He looked back at me for a quick second and said "I love you, no matter what happens, I will always love you".

I smiled as my nerves subsided a bit and I turned my whole head to face him. "I love you too" I replied only to receive a big smile from him as we pulled up to the parking lot of the orphanage.


Zayn's P.O.V

I can tell Perrie's nervous and probably a bit upset. This is our last chance to find a child to adopt because we're both going on tour soon and this is the last orphanage in London to look at.

I take Perrie's hand in mine as we make our way up the stairs to this huge house. I can feel her hands shake in mine and as we reach the door, I place a kiss on her cheek as I knock. She smiles in reply, but I can tell my attempts to ease her nerves aren't working. Only a few seconds after I knocked, an older later, probably mid-forties opened the door to greet us.

"Hi" she exclaimed in a cheerful and encouraging way, that subsided my nerves. "You must be Mr. Malik and Ms Edwards" she further greeted us as she opened the door wider for us to come inside.

"Call me Zayn" I said sticking out my hand to shake hers.

Perrie did the same whilst responding "Perrie".

The women smiled a very hopeful smile, something that was lacking on our faces.

"Well then, Perrie and Zayn, why don't you follow me to my office" her smile grew bigger as she lead us down the hall, past the stairway that leading upstairs and we went straight into her office. My arm wrapped tightly around Perrie's shoulder as we sat on a two seated couch, across from a single office chair.

"My names Miranda and I just wanted to start by saying that I can see your both very nervous and it's ok to be" the lady, who we now know is Miranda said as she sat across from us. She smiled as I felt Perrie relax a little and we both let out a sigh.

"I'm guessing this isn't your first time doing this?" She asked. I shook my head no.

"No it's not. I guess we just haven't found the right child yet" Perrie answered in a more confident voice then I expected.

"That's ok. If you're meant to adopt, then I'm sure that when you find the right child, you'll instantly know it's them" she smiled at us as she got up from her seat and went to get a rather large folder from her desk. She returned to her seat, crossing her legs with the folder on her lap.

"So, on the phone we talked about a child between the ages of 6-16. Right?" Miranda asked.

Perrie nodded her head asking "How many children do you have here?"

"Um..." She began to think. "We have almost fifty kids with about ten staff, but in the age range you're looking at, I would say about thirty".

"Wow. That's a lot" I breathed out. Miranda just smiled and let out a sigh of exhaustion. "Must be hard work" I commented. She just nodded her head opening her folder.

"Can I ask you something?" Perrie asked from beside me. My gaze left Miranda as I looked at Perrie. Miranda must have nodded because Perrie continued. "Why run an orphanage?".

A reasonable question. I returned my gaze to Miranda. She seemed to be lost in a world of thought.

"My husband and I can't have children. I guess that's the main reason but also the fact that these children are special. They've lost the most important people to a child due to drugs, alcohol, violence, death or whatever the reason and what they need the most is love. I have an unconditional love for them and there is nothing better than seeing a child find a family again and for those that don't, when they come back to visit, they have stories about how happy they are raising their own families. It's amazing to watch a child grow up and knowing you've helped them along the way". Miranda answered as she returned from her own thoughts.

The answer seemed to give me hope. Perrie and I could defiantly provide enough love for one of these children, it's just the matter of finding the right one. I watched Perrie smile at the answer and got lost in my own little world for a few seconds, only to get pulled back into reality after a few seconds.

"Well, do you want to look through a few files or would you like to go see a few children first?" Miranda asked. Perrie looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Do you think we could see them first, just to get a vibe or something?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" she stood up and lead us from her office and down the hall.

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