The Malik Triplets

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Kyra, Leticia and Vexi are triplets that have spent their whole life in an orphanage. The sisters are very passionate and talented, and the most important thing to them is each other. These sisters are inseparable and maybe that's why they are still stuck in the orphanage. The sisters refuse to be separated and believe that they will never be adopted because of that reason.

Perrie Edwards and Zayn Malik are engaged and ready to start their lives together. The only thing that is getting in the way of that is their careers. They spend so much time apart and barely have time by themselves. Perrie and Zayn are passionate about children but can't get pregnant, not only because of the fact that their careers would make it too stressful to raise a new born, but also because of the fact that Perrie underwent surgery a few years ago and is still recovering.

Zayn and Perrie have been scouting orphanages for a few months and are looking to find a teenager to raise as their own. When they end up at London's Orphanage For Girls, they will find the perfect child or children.

Join Zayn and Perrie on their quest to become a family with Leticia Rose, Vexi Alexandra, Kyra Zia and watch them grow together with all the little bumps in the way.

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