Chapter 2: The Right One

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Perrie's P.O.V

Children were running around in a rather large room with toys ranging from blocks, Barbie doll houses, a TV with several couches, drawing boards, arts and crafts tables and a wall full of book with several bean bags around them. A few staff seemed to walk around and engaged with a few children but they mostly played with themselves or with each other. We stood behind a long glass window that stretched along the length of the wall, looking out among the kids.

Some toddlers played with blocks and sucked on various items. Older children, that looked above the age of six, played with baby dolls pretending to be mums and played with barbies in sport cars. A few older then them sat on couches playing what looks like Wii Sports.

Zayn stood next to me and seemed to have the same look I believe is on my face, the look of being overwhelmed with a trace of confusion.

Miranda laughed and it seemed to break us out of our states. "Overwhelming huh?" She asked and when we just nodded her smile grew. "It gets like that. Anyway, these children are in the age group you're looking at".

I looked around, further taking in the scene around me. "Are these all the girl?" Zayn asked as I took notice of a teenage girl walking down the hall, holding a little dark skinned girls hand.

"No. But this is the majority of them. A few are up stairs or playing in the backyard. I can show you if you want?" Miranda smiled politely.

As the teenage girl and dark skinned girl came closer to where we were standing, deep in conversation with each other, I lowered my voice and asked "What about her?", motioning to the teenager.

Both Zayn and Miranda turned to look at the girls nearing us. Her dark, chocolate coloured hair began straight and ended in soft, bouncy ringlets once it reached her shoulders. Her olive skin complemented her hair as it glistened under the light. Her emerald eyes, captivating and could communicate nothing by purity behind her long, black eyelashes.

"That's Kyra and she turns thirteen in about two months time. She's an absolute angel and a huge help around here. All the children love her, but unfortunately she isn't available for singular adoption" Miranda informed us.

"Singular adoption?" Zayn questioned and raised one of his thick eyebrows.

"Yeah, she's a triplet. Her sister and herself are extremely close and refuse to be separated. It's hard to find a couple willing to adopt just one girl, let alone three. It's a shame really. In all my time that I have worked here and out of all the girls we've had, they are the most beautiful, kindhearted little girls. Never thinking only of themselves and always so positive about everything" Miranda smiled as she looked over her shoulder at Kyra.

"Do you think we can just talk to her and her sisters? It couldn't hurt to say hello" I asked.

Zayn's grip on my waist tightened for a second but in an encouraging way. Miranda seemed to contemplate it but nodded after a few seconds and turned to approach Kyra.

"Kyra, this is Zayn and Perrie" she motioned to us. Kyra smiled at us shyly and Miranda further explained, "They are looking to adopt someone today and i figured that maybe you and your sisters could just chat with them for a few minutes, while I quickly get something?" Miranda asked nicely, giving Zayn and I a wink in encouragement.

Kyra nodded her head. The little girl next to Kyra released her grip on Kyra's forearm and kissed her check sweetly. "Thanks Ky" she said as she ran into the room where the other children were playing.

Miranda quickly left us, saying she would send down her sisters. I smiled warmly at Kyra and Zayn's hand slipped into mine.

"Hi. I'm Zayn and this is my fiancé, Perrie" Zayn greeted her shaking her hand, as I soon followed.

She nodded and continued smiling. I gave her a questioning look, silently asking if she was shy or something. She reached for a white board, sitting on a little table in the hall. She quickly scribbled on her white board and it made me question if she was mute or just shy. She lifted the board for us to read.

'It's nice to meet you. Sorry I can't talk, I lost my voice after I had the flu last week and now I have a terrible throat infection'.

Zayn slightly mumbled the words written as he read from the board. "Oh" was all I could say before two other girl, very similar to Kyra, entered the hall.

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