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The Little Mix star has opened up about her plans for her wedding to One Direction member Zayn Malik in recent interviews. Although the date is still unset with both bands 2015 busy schedules, the young singer has revealed some details about her dream wedding and dress.

"I know exactly what I want, so I'm designing it and getting it made from scratch" Edwards tells the interviewer. "I definitely want long sleeves and I want a vintage dress so purple lips could go with it"

"Not that I can draw... I'm getting Vexi to do it. She's going to draw it and I'm going to take it to somebody to make"

Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards have become extremely attached to their triplets, often boasting about how talented their daughters are and how they can't imagine how they've lived so long without them.

The Malik Triplets were adopted in April this year and have become a worldwide topic in the media and defiantly amongst both famdoms. Leticia Rose, Vexi Alexandra and Kyra Zia have been completely inseparable from their new parents, traveling with both bands around the world. Home for Chirstmas, the triplets are excited to spend their first real Christmas with both Malik and Edwards, claiming there'll surely be drama, music and smiles all around.

It's a bit unfair that Edwards has decided to employ one daughter and not the other two, right? Well, Edwards claims she has special parts of all three.

"Kyra's going to rewrite the instrumental ensemble of the Wedding March to make it more modern and...me" Perrie says with enthusiasm. "Nothing that strays too far from the tradition though"

"I've also put Letty in charge of the colour theme. I want something elegant but bright, but at the same time not too in your face"

Sounds like the triplets have some work to do.

In an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, Zayn Malik shows his enthusiasm for his wedding by claiming his girls are going to be a big part of the special day by doing their appointed roles by their mother, making speeches and having their first father-daughter dance with him.

He's excited and ready to make it official with Miss Edwards but there is still no date set."I just can't wait till we're all Malik's sleeping under one roof" the One Direction star quotes.

The couple have been toying with the idea of a beach wedding or one at home in the UK and the Little Mix blonde was recently shot down with her idea of a fairy-tale wedding at Disney Land.

What do you think of the singer's plans to employ her daughters? Are you excited to see the upcoming wedding? Where do you think is the perfect place for the young stars to get married?

We surely can't wait and are truly excited to see pictures of the bride's one of a kind dress, the dashing man at the altar and the triplets first dance with their daddy.


Third Person

The happiness that flowed around the room and through ever being present was indescribable. This is a day that family, friends, fans and the bride and groom had waited for for a long time. It's something that many feared wouldn't happen, but it did.

It was like the heavens had specially cleared up on this particular day. Perrie and Zayn had taken a risk with their outdoor wedding held in Paris, but it surely payed off. There wasn't a cloud insight and the baby blue sky seemed to match perfectly with the theme.

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