Friday - November 22, 2019 🌺

Soobin and Yeonjun quietly snuck around Huening Kai's house to his window. It was around 5am so it was pretty early. Huening Kai and Jaehyun were both definitely asleep.

"Are we sure this is a good idea?". Yeonjun asked, watching as Soobin approached the tree by Kai's window. (Very convenient)

"Why? Are you having second thoughts?". Soobin asked.

Yeonjun shook his head. "I just don't want anyone to get hurt". He said.

"No one is gonna get hurt". Soobin replied, starting to climb the tree. He was also carrying a crowbar. (😳😳)
Yeonjun followed after the male, both of them sitting down on the sturdy branch. "Here, hold this for a second". He handed Yeonjun the crowbar and then proceeded to look into the window. He had to make sure they weren't like, going in at the wrong time. Then again, they are breaking and entering. Soobin grabbed the crowbar and then used it to break open the window, but quietly. (Idk how to describe that. Also. I wonder if Soobin still feels guilty about shattering the window) Soobin lifted up the window and then gave a thumbs up to Yeonjun. This was either gonna go really well or really bad. Soobin and Yeonjun carefully climbed through the window, approaching the sleeping boy. When they saw how cute he look, they couldn't hold back their smiles. (Y'all literally look like you're about to kidnap himmmm💀💀) They both shared a glance at eachother before nodding. Yeonjun started to shake Huening Kai awake. The boy whimpered softly, burying himself into his blanket and plushies. Yeonjun shook him again, making him open his eyes slightly. Huening Kai's eyes widened when he saw his Hyungs sitting on his bed.

"What the actual fuc-". Before Huening Kai could finish his sentence, Yeonjun smacked his head gently.

"Language Kai". He said.

"Language!? You're worried about my language!? You guys are the one who snuck into my house in the morning for whatsoever!?". Huening Kai whispered, furrowing his eyebrows in anger.

"We just wanted to talk to you". Soobin said. Huening Kai huffed and then got out of bed. He looked at Soobin and Yeonjun with a serious expression.

"Both of you need to leave now. You have no idea what you're doing". He said.

"No. We're tired of you telling everyone to leave. Now we're telling you to listen and talk Kai. This is not how relationships work". Yeonjun replied, getting up and crossing his arms.

"I don't care how it works. You shouldn't be in my room. This is breaking a million rules right now".

"What rules!? Rules where we can't see our own friend!? Talk to nor contact!? You've been acting like an idiot!". Yeonjun yelled.

Huening Kai scoffed. "I'm acting like an idiot!? You guys are the ones who don't understand the words no and leave me alone!". He spat.

"We just want to know what's going on with you Kai. We're worried!". Soobin then said, showing a face of empathy.

"Yeah! I know! You guys told me that just like the last hundred times!". He yelled.

Soobin smacked his lips. "If you just talked to us then we wouldn't be bothering you. Why is it so much to ask for you to just open up?".

"Just both of you leave! Now!". Huening Kai yelled, pointing to the window.

"No! We're not letting you push us away! Because frankly, I'm so sick and tired of it!". Yeonjun argued. He grabbed Huening Kai by the wrist and proceeded to drag him towards the window.

"Let me go Yeonjun Hyung! We're not doing this again!".

"I don't care!".

"Stop touching me! Don't try and get me to do this! You know how this went last time! I don't want that to happen again alright!?". Huening Kai yelled, trying to pull away. Soobin made a confused look before pulling both the boys back.

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