Chapter 28 - Bewildered

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Tom's POV

My out of the world experience a few moments ago disappeared in a tick. I was pulled back to earth upside down with my head smashed against the hard surface. My heart stopped beating for a few seconds.

I felt my feet turned cold.

I pulled myself away so I could fully see Riley's face.

"What?" I asked her completely puzzled.

Her faced turned pale after she realised what she just said. She blinked a few times then shook her head.

I lost for words and all I could hear was the deafening sound of my heart beating again.

Her words echoed in my head.

"I'm in love with you."

It was loud and clear.

She's in love with me!

My comprehension dissected her words.

Riley is in love with me.

I tried to process it as fast as I could. But Jim's face crossed my mind before I even managed to digest everything.

"I still love her.."

His words echoed in my head.

Jim! Goddamnit!

"Riley, we can't be together." I stepped back completely. Still totally bewildered what to do and how to deal with what I just found out.

It was out of nowhere and I didn't expect it at all.

What do I do? God. What was I thinking?

I wasn't thinking at all and that was the problem!

"Fuck. Jim's gonna go mental."

It was in this exact same kitchen when he told me that he still loves her.

I liked Riley and there was no denying that I was attracted to her, but still. It wasn't an excuse to get my hands all over her.

"Riley, Jim still loves you." I brushed my hair with my fingers.

"I didn't mean it to come out like that." She said in a very low tone.

"What do you mean?" I looked at her but she was looking down trying to button her top back. Her fringe covered her eyes, so I couldn't really tell what she was thinking.

"Forget I said that."

I narrowed my eyes. I didn't know whether to laugh or be mad at her.

"Riley, I can't unhear what you said." I sighed in frustration. My head was all over the place. Completely scrambled.

Would I rather not know what she feels?

I didn't know which was worse, to find out or the thought of not finding out at all.

"Then just let it go." It was the first time that she looked up. She was trying to keep it together, but I could see the hurt in her eyes and it was eating me alive. "It's no big deal."

I greeted my teeth.

It's a fucking big deal!

And Christine.. Jesus christ.

"Riley, I'm sorry but--"

She touched my shoulder. "Tom." She interrupted. "First of all, I didn't want all this to happen."


I stared at her. I remembered how she responded to me a few moments ago.

"Secondly, I would never try to ruin your relationship with your girlfriend. I did try to stop you."

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