Chapter 3 - Don't Get Your Knickers In A Twist

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Riley's POV

Of all the bloody table that was reserved, it was the table next to the cannibals. Also, to my horror, Mae and the twins had already briefly met them at the hotel, apparently. I wasn't sure if I should be happy or not when they all agreed to merge our tables. Things couldn't get any more awkward when Gorgeous guy, whose name was Tom, was sitting opposite me.

I didn't think he liked the unison either but didn't have a choice.

I wasn't sure if he was in a bad mood or just naturally the quiet type as he wasn't engaging as much as the others.

Although, I was certain of one thing. He was even more good looking up close. And blimey, those strong defined jaw was an absolute dinner. He just looked a bit grumpy. No, stoned face. The male version of bitching rest face.

I checked his finger which was wedding ring free. Although he didn't show any interest in any of us.

At all.

Which was a little disappointing.

I mean, I was not looking for anything at all.
But I kinda wanted him to talk to me. Which I found it absurd. It was so unlike me. I never used to care or pay much attention to guys who showed interest in me or not. But this time, I felt a little buffled to his obvious lack of interest. He made me self conscious and I didn't like it at all.

In fact, I had this funny feeling that he was trying to avoid talking, to me especially. He responded to the twins and Mae alright but I felt like he was trying to ditch even looking at me.

I told Biddy about what she thought of him when we went to the loo.

Biddy reckoned he liked men.

I had a feeling that she was only trying to make me laugh. She hadn't mentioned anything, but I knew that she knew Tom perked my interest.

He was just simply not interested at all.

"I've never been to a rugby game before. Is it exciting as football?" Sam asked, who was sitting next to the guy called Lee. He had a lovely dark complexion that kinda looked like he was from New Zealand (Kiwi), maybe Fiji or somewhere in the far East Pacific. He was beasty huge and pure solid. He looked like a well built cement.

Biddy and I looked at each other. She was next to White Shirt guy, Brent. And yes, to the add the insult, they were rugby players.

I'll be damned!

"It's more intense. It's tough and a rough game." The biggest of the lot, Chester answered. He was like a bear, honestly. I wouldn't stand next to him, otherwise I'd look like an amoeba. "You need to have the stamina and the agility to play." He added.

Memories of James running in the field came pooling in my memory. The amount of times he hurt his neck, arms, back, knees, legs and shoulders. But he loved it. He absolutely excelled whenever he played and was so good at it.

Ahhh, this conversation is making my throat dry.

I took a small sip of prosecco.

"We can get you guys free entry to our next game." Joe offered and put his arm around Mae. They obviously hit it off.

"Oh, we like that very much! We'll definitely go." Mae put her head on his shoulder.

No, I'd rather pass, thank you very much.

I drank the rest of prosecco.

"Hey easy on that." Marc tapped my shoulder. He was sitting next to me with a grin. If I wasn't so bothered with Tom tonight, I'd give Marc attention. He was also good to look at. He had dark blonde hair, tall, tanned, I guess from playing outdoors, and he had a lovely set of blue eyes.

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