Chapter 21 - Crash and Burn

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Riley's POV

James was pissed off with Marc and Marc felt the same way about him.

It came across as being a territorial thing.

"Why is he acting as if he owns you?"

"James, he doesn't. He's just being protective that's all."

I can't even begin to explain my relationship with Marc. We genuinely treat each other none other than friends. He may come across aggravating and annoying to some, but we get on.

"Riles, how long have we known each other? And how long have you known him?"

It got me annoyed.

"It's not about the days, months nor years you know someone to care about you, James. It wouldn't matter. You've known me for the longest time than everybody else but you still managed to hurt my feelings before."

He stood still and couldn't find any words to say. It wasn't nice to remind him of his past mistakes, but I just wanted to make a point.

James had a bit of a reputation, which was why I totally get Marc being unhappy about him. Most especially when he found out that he was my ex. He didn't like the idea that he was hanging around with me again.

"Why are you doing this? Haven't you learned?" Marc asked.

"Marc, seriously, we're just friends. I grew up with James. All is forgotten and forgiven and he'll always be a part of me no matter what. It also makes me feel better knowing that we're in good spirits."

"I know, I understand. But surely you must know why he's around, right?"

"I'm aware." I looked at him straight in the eye. Still looking bad about the injuries he sustained from Tom. I still had no clue why Tom did what he did.

His expression softened. "I'm sorry, I'm just.. You know I cared for you, right?"

I nodded.

So I told them, separately of course, that I wanted to look around on my own to see what else was going on. To keep the peace and to have peace of my own.

I saw James from afar, being tall and all. I laughed when two girls were trying to get his attention but he didn't look interested at all. He was scanning the crowd and waved when he saw me.

I smiled and waved back. Deep down, I wondered if he was a changed man. I'd be well pleased for him if he changed his old playful ways. He still got the playful aura, though.

But then again, James won't be James if he hasn't got the qualities which made him what he is today.

I pushed through the sea of people looking where Biddy was. I put my hands in my pocket.

It's so freezing. It's got to be the coldest and darkest time of the year.

I felt like going back to the hotel to keep myself warm. I looked at my watch and checked the time.

Still another hour until the fireworks starts.

"Riles! here!" Biddy waved at me by the bonfire.

I sat on the dead log next to her. ""Brrrrr!" I rubbed my hands together. "Where are the girls?" I asked.

"They went to get some hot drinks with the lads. I asked Brent to get me another cup of nice hot choco, it's bloody freezing!" She drank all the rest of her hot chocolate savouring the last drop.

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