My breath knocked out of my body, as soon as my eyes met hers.

My thoughts immediately drifted to ten years back when I was looking in the eyes of a certain woman who was unflinchingly watching me getting whipped by six men.

I would have staggered back immediately because I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I looked up to see David and then felt Eric's presence beside me.

It took no time for my breaths to get laboured and I suddenly held Eric for support, who surrounded me in his embrace immediately.

This. This was a bad dream. And it will be over the moment I open my eyes again and look at the empty place between Jess and Nonna.

And that is what I did.

I looked there again, only to get shocked once more when I see that same excuse of a mother looking at me.

Why is she here!!??

What brought her here!?

Will she take me back to that brothel!?

Will she take me away from Eric!?

My eyes filled with tears on thinking about all the possible outcomes and agendas she would be here for.

"E_Eric_c s_she! Eric ask her go get out!! S_she is here! Please s_save me!!"

"Hey hey!!", I felt his arms tightening around me, "No one is going to harm you. Okay!? I am here!"

I looked up at him from the embrace and whispered, "Eric s_she is Em_Embrey! My m_mother!!!"

I expected shock or atleast rage from him, but all I got was a nod.
He saves me from everything. He will save me from her too. I trust him.

He gently wiped my tears, "You don't need to be afraid. You are strong. C'mon let's sit here and..."

"How can you expect me to sit in the same room as this woman!!!??", The words came out venomous and filled with rage.

All the hatred that I have bred for this woman was taking over.

I felt another hand on my shoulder, and when I saw there, it was James.
"Erica! trust us!! Don't you!?"

I nodded meekly.

"Come sit here. We have a lot to tell you..."

I shook my head, all the while not letting Eric go, "Ask her to go James. She will take away my freedom. She must be here to take me to that hellhole again! I hate her!"

"She can't go Erica!", I heard Jess, "Just calm down. Take some water and then see things through. You are the most sensible one here.."

"Why she can't go!??!??", I seethed, not caring about how badly I was behaving with the people I really love, "Who brought her here!? James! Jess! She is the same Embrey I told you both about. My pity excuse of a mother. Ask her to go! She will harm you all...!"

I turned to look her at, "GO AWAY!!! I am not that child anymore who you will lure into doing all that. Go away or I am calling security!!"

"Angel!....", Her voice simply cracked me. It disturbed me way more than I thought was ever possible.

"Angel! I am so...."

"STOP IT!!! DON'T CALL ME ANGEL!!! I am not any Angel!!!", I yelled at her.

"Wait! You won't hear this way!", I started fumbling for my phone in my pocket.

I will call Stephan and ask him to escort her out this very moment.

My hand was shivering as I tried to unlock my phone, but the next moment the phone was taken away from me.

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