Prose 19: Nude Art

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Due to public demand and trend, the depiction of arts continue to proliferate through its features, standards and characteristics. Several form of arts include the eccentric, archaic, contemporary and the popular ones.

These forms imply various emotions for those people who can delve and appreciate its cogent presence. Thus, emotional occurrences may enclose despair, pain, rage, skepticism and euphoria.

In our present time line, distinct masterpieces have been recognized by millions, most especially by the artisans and literature-inclined professionals who were steadfastly devoted to arts. For instance, the works of Van Gogh which earned numerous Nobel prizes and international awards had appeased the hearts of people due to its sage interpretations.

As times goes on, the creation of arts adeptly propagates based on the current trend of society. To exemplify it further, the premise of nude arts has now paved way in every culture that acquiesces the adept changes of arts.

Nude arts has ameliorated the internal and external view of arts through its natural composition, hence, the use of naked human body is uphold in this kind of art.

The word itself 'nude' is almost in the accurate line of high jinks — a joint insertion between profanity and practicality. However, nude arts do not harness bodies for enticement and sexual interactivity, yet, for an infinitely valuable appreciation and gratitude to our God-gifted nudity.

Nudeness defines our natural glow and perfection without traces of physical alterations. Nudeness signifies our innocent bareness and immaculacies. Nudeness indicates the purity of our minds and hearts and the vestal of our souls as we were all barely equal when we came into life from the beginning.

Nudeness spells our undeniable acceptance and passion to ourselves even when we were not the creator of these nudities we have.

Nudeness is never a stench, a shaggy dirt and coarsely mud to be loathed and disgusted by everybody.

The only moment that nudeness becomes inappropriate is when one begins to forcefully think, feel and act beyond the wonders of nudity.

If cleanliness is next to godliness, nudeness is in between.
Writing 7

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