Prose 33: Deserve To Live

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People often say that great connection comes from souls who never met. However, I never knew about great connection, not until I met them and not until they left me. Maybe, it is true that everyone in this world can create connection, but not all are entirely willing to feel it. We are a strangers to this world and it is only the absence of recognition that pauses us from being acquainted to everyone. This is why there was such thing as strangers because we never had the chance to know them better, nor even for once, nor sadly, even never at all.

Sometimes, ironically, even the closest loved ones we have can be a strangers to us and the ones we just met can be the closest to our hearts because when feelings seem warm and new, we stay as much as we could, but when everything begins to dry, wither and slowly die, we just simply leave and act as if everything from the beginning will just about to happen for the very first time.

In the long run, great connections only exist when people just remain strangers than to begin again as a strangers because, honestly, not everyone are not meant to stay in our lives and living with that sad truth hurts as much as we think it would.


Breathe, there is no easy way out of this hardest adventure in life.

Breathe, let the world see the magnificence on your eyes and the ink-tainted colors painted within your smile.

Breathe, even if takes a lot of courage to eradicate the bleed aching from your heart and stop the tears planted in your soul just to survive.

Breathe, let our universe see how far you have been in your tough ride just to see what you have perfectly become right this very time.

Breathe, cherish every bit of your sacred body, the pristine breeze dancing in your wilted skin only to feel a ray of positivity and the monotonous hope that never spare a negative spark inside this world full of made-up lies.

Breathe, painstakingly accept the chances in sharing your own version of love to everybody instead of entirely bidding your ruthless goodbye.

Breathe, we are truly made to live longer and meant to create a legacy that is bound to last forever before our empty broken clock arrives.

Breathe, do not make a vast moment and living opportunity pass without giving a complete struggle to try.

Breathe, show that you can bravely do everything in numerous ways you wanted to venture out and never ever cease in life to just cowardly die.

Breathe, open your beautiful wings and prove to yourself how proudly you could fly high.

Breathe, discover the epitome of truth for how worth you are to be loved and stay alive.

Breathe, always remember that you truly deserve to live.

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