Prose 8: Sadly, Strangers

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Most of the people say that great connection comes from souls who never met. Constantly, there is an elliptical boundary between a man and a woman who aspire nothing but to glimpse beyond their own world of permeable edges. The clear indolence which rose from the boring passage of time has now instantly transform into something pleasurable when worlds started to flicker within the softest touch of hope and passion. Needless to say, in superficial comparison to love, one can visualize familiarity in the eyes of a stranger who wanted to be seen and known entirely.

As how comets fell down and kissed the wonders of sea, our universes unforeseeably converged which cause severe impingement to my sluggishly blinded senses. The moment he laid his foreign eyes on my sight, the atmosphere had never been settled in my intimate vitality because I once and always a believer in the law of accepting the known and refuting the unknown. I am a firm advocate of depleting the practice of human philanthropy and propagating the appreciation of beloved family.

When the man interrogated about my vacant seat, I just neutrally nod and fixated myself back to my phone objectivities. I almost perceived the distant spectrum of dark clouds outside the windowpane as raindrops began to depart, however, I managed to lull my ears into the euphonious music and rested my eyes under the shade of transportation light.

My sleep almost seem interminable, thus when I woke up, surge of fright and embarrassment dazzled to my veins as I realized that I pillowed the discreet shoulder of the man beside me. My quavering heart and hand gesticulate a sincere apology, thus, he simply nod and awfully smile to my beginning response. Moreover, throughout the ride, my posture never became lithesome and I never dared to dreadfully make a single move that can trigger anything else around me.

Minutes passed and my emotional baggage slowly felt sickening upon the extreme procrastination of my repetitive spottily playlist. I knew it was not preordained when he offered me a fresh wrapped pastry and I uncouthly uttered a gratitude after I said that my stomach was not yet famished. Without a cunning and hesitative trail, he beamed and spoke about his name. Furthermore, from there, I was not perplexed anymore of how our quixotic approach to each other became so genuine and truly real.

I thought our conversation would be delicate and harmonious along the way, however, maybe I was just simply dodged with the essential existence of illusion. All along, I have pondered enough that I was truly mistaken by my elusive thought. I never anticipated how our personal topics became massively humorous, interesting and damn witted. 

I have not contemplated how a formal-looking man blazed into someone who I can deal with fun and active jubilation. Thus, when our trade of expeditions grow downwards through its depths, I have reflected how I was able to create a fleeting connection with someone I had only ever known in the shortest pace of time. In the midst of my unlabeled concern, he was able to show me his favorite photograph back when he has stolen some eloquent shots from beach weddings and mountaineering events.

He exalted his musical jazz routines as he casually swayed both hands above the mid-air. He expatiated how he bullied and ended up being bullied because of his willful trickeries back when he was still a juvenile kid. He shared his epic failures to me when he got caught off guard by a close friend whom he was supposed to bestow a birth grand surprise celebration.

Unnoticeably, I had managed to let out a commendable laughter when he bluntly said how he annihilated bundle of gases from his neighbor car under the sun's heat just too preposterously and ironically witness the artificial winter fell in their autumn festival. In some certain plights that he has spoken, I got astounded and became silent when no one else ever rose him up, in times that he was struggling in his chemistry class. Fortunately, he expounded how he bravely surpassed and overcame all obstacles through his burning faith to God. 

I was astonished when he enunciated his several awards and achievements in art and literature classes. I was also gratefully delighted and euphoric as he sang an old tune of his award-winning piece, thus, he eventually praised me upon hearing the melodic tone of my soft second voice. I pinned my back and laid in the seat as our bus ride comes into its halfway destination. A moment after, he nonchalantly reasoned out his purpose of traveling and that is to search for his "true love" in the town where we will be going on. I momentarily heaved a slight chuckle and tease, even though, an unusual pulse is mildly weeping inside my heart. He interrogated me back, with his eloquent smile beneath his eyes.

I curtly stuttered and just simply answered that I am finally seeing a long time childhood friend. In the passengers' seat, I have realized how naturally loquacious he is while talking to me. I feel a little insular and aloof as I stayed quiet and listened to his life stories. I know he was not obtuse upon feeling anything else around him, however, as he kept on opening his lips and continuously articulate tantalizing words, my heart slowly lit an embers of heavy-weighted excruciation. The happiness gushing out from his voice caused me to disrepute my remaining self-misery and confusion.

As the train drives to the adverse direction which was apparently nearer to our destination, he then, asked for my name. For a moment, that was not easy and amenable on my part. I was about to spoke back when passengers started to nosily packed up, thus some loudly invoice their alacrity and adrenaline to leave the said train.

The man beside me stood up tenderly shook my hand and said his name which I achingly never heard and recognized. Before he departed and hurriedly walked away, the only thing that I have only remembered was how he glanced back on my way, waved goodbye and flashed his ever-genuine smile.

People often say that great connection comes from souls who never met. However, I never knew about great connection, not until I met him. Maybe, it is true that everyone in this world can create connection, but not all are entirely willing to feel it. We are a strangers to this world and it is only the absence of recognition that pauses us from being acquainted to everyone. This is whythere was such thing as strangers because we never had the chance to know them better, nor even for once, nor sadly, even never at all.

Sometimes, ironically, even the closest loved ones we have can be a strangers to us and the ones we just met can be the closest to our hearts─ because when feelings seem warm and new, we stay as much as we could, but when everything begins to dry, wither and slowly die, we just simply leave and act as if everything from the beginning will just about to happen for the very first time. Thus, I think great connections only exist when people just remain strangers than to begin again as a strangers because, honestly, not everyone are not meant to stay in our lives and living with that sad truth hurts as much as we think it would.

I felt how tormented I was more than the fires of pandemonium when he finally left inside the train. I sighed and just mildly rested my head on the windowpane, not even knowing how tears swiftly streamed down on my cheeks as the instrumental piano music hymned on my playlist. I peripherally saw how massive rain covered the rails and drops formed outside my spectacle view.

A couple of minutes passed and I was already at my final destination. I arched my back and stretched my elbow to lethargically yawn after struggling with a miniscule headache. I was about to stand up when the soles of my feet felt something underneath, thus, I bent down to pick it up and realized that it was a vintage-theme photograph of a man. I closely stared at it and recognized that the man in the photograph was the man who was beside me earlier ago. It might have been accidentally slipped out from his pocket or wallet and he had not noticed how he lost it.

Out of my curiosity, I scanned the entire photograph and checked the back portion of it. From there, I was completely taken aback and stunned of had been written. My throat went dried and no suffice words came out from my lips. I closed my eyes and another sting of tear fell from my right eye. The stranger I have lovingly known was the same childhood friend that I was about to see and I was also the same friend whom he has been searching all this time around.

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