Prose 5: Broken Matrimony

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Promises. Attachment. Forever.

The ceaseless words that had lead by traditional barriers into an end. A love that once bound by intimate harmony and cherished memories, now turned out to be secluded with pain and heartaches due to the ancestral barriers needed to abruptly affirm in some certain situations specifically within the essence of committing real love.

The sixth district of West Province knew how a fine young man named Peter and a fair lady named Maria made their undying compassion love to each other since they were born, even though, destiny didn't fated them throughout forever. They fought against all odds and it wasn't easy for them to make their love lasts until eternity. Thus, Friday evening, Peter felt so devastated and broken when he was urged in going through Maria's house to deal with a separation with her.

"Why does love always die when it deserves to stay alive?" Maria cried in pain due to the love she had always felt for Peter and knowing their relationship will end up being complicated.

Peter sighed with his disappointed, frustrated and weary look, he then muttered his words heavily;

"Ours died because I didn't do anything to make it survive. I'm sorry for making it end up this way. I'm sorry for choosing Clara, whom I got pregnant, over you. I'm sorry for everything I've done. I'm sorry for these traditions that made us suffered both."

He looked down, throwing away his sight from his beloved Maria, the one he loved and he'll forever love until his last breathe. The one he shall keep on loving even distance, seas and skies will tore their hearts apart. The one he could capture through his treasures because he knew that in her, his heart will live where there is belonging and home.

Maria sobbed in heart-aching disbelief. Despite of it, she had found her way to interrogate his thoughts; "But did you ever love me, Peter?"

Peter felt a tight knot around his throat. He saw her almost breaking down with tears streaming down from her lovely face. He knows he couldn't handle it anymore from a minute now on, because seeing Maria's hurting in front of him, makes him decide things beyond prohibition. He loves her but everything is too late already.

"Clara's pregnant of my child, Maria. I'm sorry. You know the traditions, the taboos and the ancestries. My parents want their son to marry a woman without labor disorder and who could bear a healthy child that could create an ideal family in our tribe. And you are not the woman they're looking for, Maria. I'm very sorry for this truth."

Hatred, sadness and agony are truly evident in Maria's eyes but she knows that everything was already fixed. They could do nothing more about it. Peter stood up high and tried his best not to cry down and beg for her to keep on fighting even if, it was all over now.

"I need no words from you, Peter. I just want to know. Did you ever love me?"
Peter looked away. Maria closed her eyes as another tears fell into her eyes. She thought she's too dumb to made them fuel their love from the start, if the fact is, they should haven't made it worked out so that, they won't end up being trapped in this silent death of separation.

"I'm sorry, Maria."

The last verse he answered before he turned around and leave her, world broke into fallen pieces. However, as he walked away, only the dark starry horizon from above saw him cried and bleed in regrets.

"No words can ever describe how much I love you, Maria. No one could. You are worth it. You were always worth the pain." He whispered under his voice.

Three days after reconnecting again with Maria, Peter decided to had his last conversation again with the woman he love, before the wedding day. Peter convinced himself to invite Maria, for the last time. At least, he could glimpse her sight for his last goodbye.

Peter sent a letter for Maria to meet her in the coast where the church beach wedding will be held, the day after. After several tries of rejection, Maria finally agreed and gave him her formal approval.

Daybreak came fast, the breeze of sunset, the crashes of sea waves and the sands of time, witnessed the two long lost lovers, fully equipped to give their last heartbreaking closure of love, a thing that none of them want for them both. This scenery was the place where they both started their promises since they were kids.

"Were you here just to give this wedding invitation to me? You shouldn't have wasted an effort to go out and just stayed on your home. Your wife might probably get mad when she'll know his soon-to-be-husband left her now, just to meet his nonsense and useless past girlfriend." Maria shallow her confident not to stammer out.

"Thank you, Maria." Peter said without any conviction.

"What?" she thought she heard it wrong. Yet, Peter primly looked into her eyes. A moment after, a ghost of tears from his eyes, made Maria stunned for a long while.

"Thank you for everything. Thank you for the memories since we were childhood. Thank you for the love you have shown and given to me. Thank you for making me of who I am today. Without you, I'd be nothing. Thank you for not failing me to always fall in love for you. Thank you so much." He could no longer hold it anymore. Phrases couldn't fill how much she loves her longest treasure love, Maria.

"You don't have to say that." She held his quavering hands. The hands she doesn't want to let go for her entire life.

"I'm sorry, Maria. I hope you could still forgive me. Please forgive me, Maria. I'm sorry. I'm very sorry." Peter stretched out in a low voice. Maria can't help but to watch his love, so lost and helpless in all ways. She knew they did all, but everything wasn't enough to appease the universe. She knew she needs to accept things out even though it kills her. She knew she love him, and loving him means to let him go.

"It wasn't called love if one cannot forgive, right? I love you, Peter. It may take time to heal but I will always try to understand. This is love. The most truest one. Our souls may forget but my heart will always remember. I am now letting go what was once mine. You can now marry the woman you will spend with for the rest of your life. "

As the sun fades from its boundaries on mountain ranges, young lovers from a far achingly separated their own ways, hoping their roads will meet again someday, in the next lifetime and for the next centuries— without any single barrier that could hinder their eternal love to last until forever.

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