1.Wolf Moon

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My name is Daniella Whittemore.
Jackson Whittemore's adopted sister, Scott McCall's ex-girlfriend, Lydia Martin's bestfriend, Stiles Stillinski's ex-bestfriend. I was quite a few things.

Growing up, I'd never had my own group. Jackson and I kind of stuck together and I was known as his sister, even though he was adopted we would always consider one another a real sibling. His bestfriend Danny was always a good friend to me, and when we started high school and he got a girlfriend, Lydia, one of my old friends, the two of us grew closer and she became my bestfriend.

However, even while growing up there was always Scott and Stiles, the two boys who my brother hated, but I didn't. I found it hard to even dislike them. And when we went into high school the three of us stuck together, though I was still friends with Jackson and his group. You could say, the two of trim just made me feel so welcomed to be with them but then when me and Scott broke up, I drifted from both of them. But this was a new year. Over the summer even though I was heartbroken I had been hanging around with Jackson, Lydia, Danny and the popular clique. Everybody wanted to be them and now I was one of them but I didn't necessarily care about the popularity that came with it, beside everyone knew me beforehand anyway. I was currently sitting shotgun in Jackson's Porsche while he drove to Beacon Hills Highschool.

"Aren't you looking thrilled?" He asked me sarcastically as we drove into the school parking lot looking for a spot.

"If you define thrilled as feeling like I want to slam my face in the car door then yeah, super 'excited'. It's school" I deadpanned back at him.

He smiled slightly at the reply. As Jackson parked the car, he swung open the door hitting a boy with dark, shaggy hair with a lacrosse stick on his bag who was putting his bike on the bike rack. It was him. Scott McCall. I opened the door and grabbed my bag from the floor of the car before swinging it over my shoulder as I tried my best to avoid eye contact.

"Dude, watch the paint job" I heard Jackson say as he shoved past Scott. I looked over the front of the car and caught his deep brown eyes looking into mine before turning on my heels and walking over to the strawberry blonde, curly haired girl with green eyes. That would be Lydia Martin. She quickly ran over to me as she realised I was there. She wrapped her arms around me giving me a quick hug before we started walking towards the school talking about the first day of school outfits and the party on Friday night.

"Hey Lydia, you look..." I heard Stiles say as me and Lydia walked past him and Scott. Yeah, that Stiles. That was the boy who was also my bestfriend before the break up. Not even acknowledging the fact I was also there. Me and Lydia went our separate ways and headed to our first class.

I headed in and took a seat towards the back. Scott and Stiles  then walked in, exchanging a look when they realised they would have to sit near me seeing as most of the seats had already been taken. Stiles took one behind me and Scott took one beside me. I felt quite uncomfortable sitting between the two after everything but ignored it. The lesson began and all of a sudden Scott started looking around like there was something happening, I watched out of the corner of my eye so it wasn't like I was staring. I caught him looking out the window. I followed his gaze and noticed there was a girl with dark curly hair sitting on a bench outside rummaging through her bag while she spoke on the phone to someone, I didn't recognise her so I figured she must be new. I shrugged my shoulders and continued taking notes while ignoring Scott's weirdness. The door opened and the vice principal walked in with the girl who had been sitting outside standing beside him.

"Class, this is our new student Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome" He explained before he left. Allison awkwardly smiled as she made eye contact with me before quickly taking the seat behind Scott and beside Stiles. I turned my head and seen Scott holding out a pen for her. She looked quite confused but then gave a smile and took it from his hands.

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