5.The tell

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It was just an average night in the whittemore household, I went downstairs for a drink and ended up crashing into my Mum and Dad who were running around the kitchen, worry written all over their faces.

"Mum what's wrong?" I asked. My voice laced with fear. My mum continued running past.

"It's Jackson, he and Lydia were involved in an animal attack down at the video store" My dad said as he opened the door to the house. I ran out behind him and jumped in the car with my mum as we drove down to the video store passing the speed limit by a while. The sherif and his department had already been contacted and would hopefully be there or soon. Before the car could even stop I threw the door open and ran out to my brother and my bestfriend.

"Jackson!Lydia!" I screamed as I ran as fast I could to the ambulance they were at. I threw my arms around Jackson embracing him in a hug before I quickly made my way to Lydia as she sat staring into space silently on the ambulance.

"Lyds? Lydia are you okay?" I asked her as I put my arm around her shoulder. She didn't say anything she just rested her head on my shoulder enjoying my comfort.

"Paul let's get this area locked up" Sherrif Stillinski ordered as he got out from his car. I noticed Stiles sitting in the front of the car staring over at us. Jackson argued with one of the sherrifs men while my parents spoke to the deputy. Me and Lydia sat quietly as I tried my best to help her.

"Why the hell can't I just go home? I'm fine" Jackson argued with the Sherrif.

"I hear ya, but the EMT says you hit your head pretty hard. They just wanna make sure you don't have a concussion" Mr Stillinski reasoned.

"What part of ' I'm fine' are you having a problem grasping?" Jackson said rudely. "Okay I wanna go home" he added as he gestured to our parents.

"And I understand that." The sherrif said in agreement.

"No you don't understand, which kind of blows my mind since it should be a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum-wage-rent-a-cop like you!" My brother continued irritated.

"Jackson stop it" I told him as I grabbed his arm.

"No get off me! Okay now I wanna go home!" He shouted anger filling his voice. I looked over to see Stiles staring at the argument from outside the car beside the many people including reporters wanting to find out what was happening.

"Oh woah, is that a dead body?" Stiles said in shock pointing towards the paramedics who were pushing someone, most likely a dead body as he had already pointed out, away on a bed. Stiles' dad gave him a look before the boy sat back down in the car.

"Everybody back up, back up" The sherrif said motioning towards the body now being pushed into an ambulance. I took Lydia's arm and we moved out of the way but as we did so I noticed something, 2 firgures on the roof. I stepped back to get a better look but then one of them made direct eye contact with me for a millisecond then ducked back down out of sight. I don't know exactly who that was but I do have a small hunch that it was in fact, none other than Scott McCall. However, who was the second person?

After a few hours of us waiting around while paramedics and sherrifs checked up on Lydia and Jackson before we finally got to go leave. I gave Lydia a quick hug but she still seemed out of sorts, I don't blame her. As she took a seat in the car her mum, Natalie Martin made her way towards me.

"Thank you Dani, for staying with Lydia tonight. She appreciates it I'm sure. You're a good friend, Lydia needs someone like you" She said kindly to thank me.

"Honestly it's not even a hassle , Lydia's been there for me whenever I need her and I'm happy to help. She's my bestfriend at the end of the day and I care about her too much to let her go through something like this on her own, I'm not sure if you've noticed but Jackson's not very sincere. He's pretty self absorbed" I said with a small grin forming on my face.

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