Chapter 12

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-Yumiko's POV-

"Ano, what are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"We're here to apologize to you, but it seems like you're busy," responded Natsume.

"Yumi, who are these people?" he asked.

"Hiro, these people are Natsume and Iori. Natsume is my boss from work and Iori is my friend from college," I replied.

"Why is your boss and your college friend doing here?" asked Hiroshi.

"How many questions are you going to ask?" I asked.

"How many questions are you going to ask?" He mimicked.

"Hiro! Don't you dare start that," I grumbled.

"Hiro! Don't you dare start that," he mimicked again.

"Hiroshi.. I will bite you and you know it," I said calming.

He froze then said,

"Alright alright, I'll stop because I know you do bite," he grumbled.

I giggled at him then was interrupted by a cough.

"Yumiko. We're still here you know," said Iori.

"Ah I forgot. Well, how about all of us hang out this afternoon and Hiroshi, I'll make it up to you on Friday," I said.

"Fine by me, as long those two are okay with it," responded Hiroshi.

I looked at Natsume and Iori and waited for their response.

Both replied,


I grinned happily and said,

"Great! Now let's go do some things to enjoy our afternoon,"

"Alright Ms.Perky. Calm down. We haven't done anything yet, and you're already hyper. Gosh," said Hiroshi.

I laughed at him. Everyone looked at me weird. I stared back and said,

"Hiro sounded like a girl when he said that. How could I not laugh at that?"

Hiroshi rolled his eyes at me.

"Pfft. Fine lets just go and eat at Susan's Vill.  I'm starving," I huffed before closing my door and locking it. I went past the boys and walked down the hallway towards the elevator. They followed behind me.

-Time skip-

We arrived at Susan's Vill. Hiro was smiling like a child, while Natsume and Iori hand poker faces on. I turned around to face them.

"Are you guys alright?" I asked them.

They just nodded their heads. I sighed softly.

"Is something wrong Yumi?" asked Hiro with a concerned face.

I smiled at him and answered,

"I'm fine Hiro. Let's go inside and take our seats."

He still seemed worried about me, but I reassured him by giving him a smile.

All four of us entered the restaurant, only to be greeted by Aiko.

"Yumiko!  Hiroshi! You both know each other?!"

Well a somewhat greeting.

-Hiroshi's POV-

Yumiko has become more beautiful. I remember when I asked Miyako to let me go on a friend date with Yumiko, but she refused and yelled saying how she's a slut and she might use me for sex and blah blah blah. I yelled at her back saying how Yumiko is a gentle person and she wouldn't do those things. Miyako finally gave in by saying if I wasn't back by 9 pm, she would kill me. When Yumiko and I were about to leave her house, suddenly these two guys showed up at her door. I believe their names were Natsume and Iori. I could tell in their eyes they loved Yumiko. As we arrived at Susan's Vill, I could feel burning gazes behind my head. Yumiko turned around to face them.

I Don't Belong (Natsume x OC x Lori) Brothers Conflict (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now