Chapter 17

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-Yumiko's dream-

Everywhere I walked, they'd follow. When I ran , they ran. I was trapped. Everywhere I went, they were there. It hurts... I can't breath. My "Parents" were here to kill me. I want to escape. I can't.. I need to leave. Please someone wake me up. Wake me up from this nightmare. I can't move anymore. They are coming closer. This was it. They had a knife and stabbed me in my heart. I let out a shrieking scream..

-Natsume's Pov-

Yumiko's scream filled my ears. I jumped out and shook her.

"Yumiko!! It's a dream!! Wake up!! Yumiko!!" I yelled.

Her eyes opened quickly and she jumped up, falling off the bed in the process.

I got off the bed and kneeled down next to her. She was catching her breath. Someone barged into the room. It was Iori.

"What happened? Why was she screaming?" he asked. Others began to come in.

"I don't know. Yumiko, what happened? Did you had a nightmare?" I asked Yumiko.

She nodded her head softly.

"M-My so called parents s-stabbed me.." she mumbled.

My eyes widen in shock. Was her "parents" haunting her dreams. Did they want to make her suffer? Did they do something to her? Questions ran through my head.

-Iori's Pov-

I hate it that Yumiko is clinging onto Natsume. She only trusts him. That should of been me. Not Natsume, me. I wanted to hug her so tightly, but she wouldn't let anyone near her, except Natsume. GEEZ.. I want her to love me.. But I can't win her heart.. I've chosen.. I'll let Natsume keep her.. I'm done with love. No one will break my wall again.

-Yumiko's Pov-

I shivered and shivered. That only means one thing. Something bad is going to happen. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Masaomi got up and went to get the door.

"Masaomi wait.. I don't think that's that a good idea. Who rings the door the at-" I glanced at the clock. It read 4 am, " 4 in the morning?"

"Good point.."

Then a loud bang was heard.

"OH YUMIKO!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" yelled a familiar voice..

Everyone frozed in their place..

"It can be them," mumbled Subaru.

"O-Oniichan's..." stuttered Wataru in fear.

"I-Impossible," stuttered Masaomi.

"Protect yourselves everyone.." said Uyko.

Footsteps were filling my ears. T-They found me.. I don't want to put them in danger. I stood up and ran out the door.

"There she is! GET HER!" yelled the man.

I ran and ran. As I almost reached the door, someone blocked it.. A very large man. He grabbed me and wrapped his arms around me.

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF ME YOU SHIT FUCKER!!!" I screamed as I struggled to get escape.

I know it's not ladylike to curse. BUT I dont' care. My life was on the line.

"Swearing is not attractive," said the man.


"Language sweetie," said the man.

I stared at him with glares.

"My name is Charles and the hag's name is Marissa," he grinned before knocking me out.

-3rd person's pov-

Yumiko woke up in pain. Everyone in the Asahina's was tied up to a chair, while Yumiko was lying down on the cold, hard ground. (See what I did there? :D Nu.. Okay..)

She sat up carefully and check her surroundings. See noticed the Asashina family tied to the chairs. She tried to get up and go towards them, but chains were pulling her back. She cried out in pain.

"Every time you move, the chain will pull you back even more," said a voice.

She looked up and saw Charles.

"Bastard! LET THEM GO!" (Let them go! Let them go! Let the Asahina's go! Did that sound right?)

Charles laughed wickedly.

"Can't do, but what I can do is let them watch you be punished."

Yumiko's eyes were filled with fear..

Charles put something hot near Yumiko's leg. Burning her flesh. Her horrid screams woke the Asashina's. As all awoken, their eyes were filled with horror. They watched as Charles burned Yumiko's flesh of her leg, leaving a mark of an 'x'.


-Fear makes the wolf the bigger than he is-

ALRIGHT.. SINCE I LOVE ALL OF YOU. I HAVE UPDATED TODAY. :D Please commment of what you think of this chapter. Poor Iori.. giving up on Yumiko. Not cool man. Not cool. Please continue reading. :3

Seen you again soon..


I Don't Belong (Natsume x OC x Lori) Brothers Conflict (Slowly Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz