Chapter 3- Hmmm, who are you?

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Iori's P.O.V

"Iori-sama!" I heard girls cheers my name everywhere crowding me suffocating me. 

I tried to weave my way around, but didn't accomplish at all. Instead I got even deeper in the crowd. That's when I saw one lone girl sitting on a bench reading MY favorite book of all time while playing my favorite classical music in the background. She was eating a homemade bento, but her eyes were completely focused on the book. What really interested me is that she didn't even spare me a single glance like all other girls do. After my rejection from Ema I haven't found a girl who didn't at least look at me. Doesn't this sound egoistic. These fan girls are getting to me.

"I'm sorry girls, but I must head home. Good bye I hope you have a wonderful afternoon." I waved them farewell at the same time, I kept my eyes on the girl who was now packing up and about to leave she plugged in her ear phones and started walking while I tried to get out of the screaming fans.

I finally got away but the girl was long gone I sighed as I walked home, I was really hoping to talk to her. I kept my head down while walking but quickly bumped into someone. Using my fast reflexes I caught them I instantly realized after looking at her face it was the girl from earlier. She was blushing beat red for some reason then I realized the position we were in...

"Sorry." I said before getting upright. She bowed as if saying thanks then was about to walk away when I held onto her arm. She immediately jerked at my touch she slapped my hand away and ran before I could catch her. What's up with her? All I did was touch her, like seriously! That's the first girl to run away from my touch much less run away from me!

"Hmm who are you?" I though out loud before proceeding home slightly depressed.

Yumikos P.O.V

"Ugh why'd did I run away! He was so hot too! I just can't stand it when people touch me it gives me...bad memories."

"What did you just say?" I lifted my head and saw Asahina....wait HOLY SHIT! I FORGIT ABOUT WORK!!!!

"What are you doing here!?" Okay I didn't mean to shout but who wouldn't when someone randomly shows up on your couch the second you get home!?

"Oh well you didn't show up to work so I asked for a key to be made, which I used to come in." He said causally like it was the most natural thing in the world.

"I have to get a new apartment that doesn't let people into my apartment." I muttered under my breath but he still heard it considering how he chuckled at my comment.

"Anyways what were you saying?" He asked why does he even care?

"Well, um...this really cute guy was talking to me he touched me but I ran away because I got scared now I really regret it." I'm not sure if it was my imagination but it was like he's eyes darkened. 

"I see. Well, I have to go show up for work tomorrow I changed the time to 4:00pm to make it more convenient with your college schedule I'll see you tomorrow goodbye." He left me in my apartment still shaken but still proceeded to do my homework and go to bed.

"Today was, interesting."

Natsume's P.O.V

I don't know why but I felt so jealous! I'm not even sure, but the thought of her calling another guy hot made me so mad! I hate this feeling. I hated imagining her with someone else even more though. I just want her by my side no one else's.

I Don't Belong (Natsume x OC x Lori) Brothers Conflict (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now