Chapter 20

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One year later

"Natsume, get up. You have to go to work," I said as I shook him up.

He groaned and rolled off the bed. It's been an entire year since I moved in with Natsume and let me say, it has been the best year of my life. I don't work in Natsume's work anymore. I opened my own business. It is a bakery shop. I realized I am really good at baking cakes, muffins, cookies, etc. 

A loud thud filled my ears.


"Really Natsume?" I sighed.

"I don't want to work," he whined.

I went over to him and kneeled down beside him. 

"You idiot, you are the boss of your company. You need to be there. Besides, don't you have a meeting?"

He sighed and grumbled, "Yes."

"Then go and get ready," I grinned.

"Fine," he mumbled.

I ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead then I stood back up and left the room. I began to make breakfast and noticed it was 7:30 am. My bakery opens at 8:30, so I have an hour left to get ready.

"Smells good in here," Natsume said as he hugged me from behind.

I smiled at his words and began preparing our plates. I gave him his and began eating mine. He quickly ate his and grabbed his keys.

"All right dear. I'll be back before 7," he smiled before placing a kiss on my lips.

I blushed lightly and nodded.

"Have a nice day at work," I said happily.

"I will and you too."

With that, he left for work. I got myself and left the apartment. I walked down the street to my bakery shop. I glanced at my phone.


Shit! I quickly ran to my store and saw people already lining up. I used the back entrance and opened the door with the key. I already had my workers there, preparing everything.

"Thank you everyone!" 

"You're welcome Miss Rina!" they all said. 

I smiled and went towards my office to grab my apron. I walked out and went towards the front entrance and switched the sign from Closed  to Open. I unlocked the door and people started to pile in.


Phew!! What a long day. I was walking home and eating a muffin. I remember today was my 1 year anniversary with Natsume. I decided to stop at the store for some ingredients for his favorite dinner.

Small skip

I quickly raced home and began preparing the food. I took a small glance at the clock.

5:48 pm

So one hour and  12 minutes. That's enough time.


After preparing the food, I took a quick shower and waited for Natsume to come. I again took and glace at the clock.

6:58 pm.

My heart was beating fast. So many thoughts ran through my head. Would he enjoy the food? Will he be upset when he gets home?  Would he forget our anniversary?! NO! Stop thinking like that Yumiko. He'll enjoy this night. 

I Don't Belong (Natsume x OC x Lori) Brothers Conflict (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now