Chapter 24

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Yumi's Point of View (15 years later)

"Mom! Mamoru stole my book!" shrieked a very anger Sakura.

"Did not! It's on your dresser!" yelled back Mamoru.

I rubbed my temples and slowly sighed.

"Oh.. Never mind mom!"

These kids are driving me insane!

"Sakura, Mamoru, I'll drive you two to school," said my husband Natsume.

Natsume married me 7 years ago were both Mamoru and Sakura were eight years old.

"What?! No dad! Kayleen is picking me up today!" stated Sakura

"Yeah dad! Scott is picking me up today," said Mamoru. 

"Well alright then. We'll see you later then," Natsume said hugging both of them.

"Love you mom," they both said, kissing my cheek and running out the door.

"How did our children go crazy?" I laughed out.

"I blame you," winked Natsume.

"Whatever!" I scoffed.

He chuckled before kissing me and rubbing my stomach.

OH! Did I forget to mention something important? I'm pregnant again. With a boy. 

"Let's hope he isn't as crazy as the other two," I mumbled.

He shook his head at me and kissed me again. 

"I hope so," he grinned at me.

"Jerk," I puffed out my  cheeks.

"You look sooooo cute like that love," he said happily.

I giggled and walked away from him and sat down on the couch.

"What would you like to eat?"

"I don't know. I'm not hungry," I replied.

"Well alright." 


8 hours later & Natsume's Point of View

Yumi fell asleep on my lap as we watched the movie, Safe Haven. I heard the door unlock, meaning the children are home. 

"Mom! Dad! We're home!" both kids yelled.

I shushed them since Yumi was asleep.

"Your mother is sleeping," I stated to them.

They whispered their sorry's before the two go into their rooms, doing their homework. I gently placed Yumi down on the couch, bringing her a blanket. She stirred a little, making me stop. She continued to sleep and I went to make dinner for the children. 


Yumi woke up due to the aroma filling up the house. 

"You should of woken me up dear. I could of made the dinner for them and you," she stated. 

"It's okay Yumiko. You were exhausted so I let you sleep and besides, you're pregnant," I told her. 

She smiled gently and kissed my cheek.

"I'm glad I married you," she giggled.

I flashed a smile at her and kissed her gently lips.

"Ew!" cried out two voices.

Yumi giggled and went towards our children.

"Come and I'll give you both kisses too, since you guys are jealous," stated Yumi.

"NO WE'RE NOT!" they cried out again.

Yumi laughed out loud and soon we all joined in with her.


"Yes Sakura?"

"Can I stay over at Kayleen's house for the weekend?" 

"Hmm. Sure, why not?"

"Thanks mom!" said a cheerful Sakura.

I shook my head at Sakura and kissed Yumi's cheek.

"All right! Dig in!"


Yumi's Point of View

I smiled as everyone were saying their good nights. 

"Good night mom!" both Sakura and Mamoru said in a unison. 

"Good night you two," I smiled at them, each giving them kisses on their heads, "I love you two very much."

"We love you too mom."

They smiled at me before going into their rooms. 

"Come Yumi. You should get some sleep," said Natsume.

I nodded and went into the room and laid down on the bed. Natsume crawled in next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you so much, Yumiko Asahina," whispered Natsume to me.

I cracked a smile and responded to him with, "I love you too, Natsume Asahina."

As he kissed me roughly, making my body feeling warm. He blushed deeply then stuffed his face onto my chest and I ran my fingers through his hair, making him fall fast asleep.

"Thank you," I said to a sleeping Natsume," For everything, love."

I, Yumiko Rina Asahina, finally belong somewhere, next to my beloved husband, children, Hiroshi and Natsume's family. Who knew meeting this man would change my entire life. I happy for everything that he has done for me. I, an abandon child, who grew up to be alone, until I met Natsume and Iori, both showing me great things in life. At first I didn't belong here, but showing that I do, was the great thing in my life to ever happen.

Again... I finally belong... Finally belong...


WELL!!! What did you think? Sorry for the late, late update ;-; Was busy with school and I'm currently with the flu. LIKE FUCKING SHIT CAKES T^T Stupid flu. Any who, this is the end of this story! Sorry ;^; Thank you to everyone who had voted and read this story thank you so much for your support. I love everyone for help me with this story along the way through my troubles. THANK YOU <3 

Other stories I have published;

Immortal Project for Werewolves (1 chapter done)

The Forgotten Mate( 6 chapters done)

Finally Accepting Me( 6 chapters done)

Bleach One-shots ( 18 One-Shots done)

Currently working on to publish;

One-shots for Brothers Conflict

The Daughter of Good and Evil

You Rejected Me, And I'm Loving It

Yours Truly

My Trouble Maker Boy

Thank you again lovely readers for everything ^^

Please read my other stories c:

Good Baii <3

Yours Truly,


I Don't Belong (Natsume x OC x Lori) Brothers Conflict (Slowly Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant