Chapter 7- Forgiveness

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-Yumiko's POV-

I ran towards my home, but after awhile, I just started to walk home. I didn't feel like going home, so I just went towards the park. As I arrived at the park, I saw a running track. I decided to run four laps. I left my phone on the ground to start my timing. As I heard the beep, I started to jog the first lap. My next lap, I started to run a bit. My 3rd lap, I ran a bit faster. On my fourth lap, I ran as fast as I could. As I reached the finish line, my phone beeped. I grabbed my phone and read the time was 6 minutes flat. I smiled to myself, forgetting about everything that just happened. Just as I was about to run another lap, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. It was Natsume. I didn't want to answer but I did answer anyways. "Moshi Moshi." I said. "Where are Yumiko?" Asked Natsume.  "Somewhere, why?" I replied/asked. "Please tell me where you are. lori and I need to apologize to you." He said.  I thought about, then responded, "Okay. I'm in the park. But I'm not telling you where. Bye Mr.Asahina." and with that I hung up. I decided to sit on a bench, close to the track. I noticed it started to get chilly, but I didn't care. I just waited for those two.

-Natsume's Pov-

I looked over towards lori. "She's somewhere in the park." I said. "Then let's go." He responded.  I nodded, and headed towards the park. As soon as we got there, we started looking for her. lori looked in the playground area, while I looked at soccer area. After awhile, we still didn't find her. As we were going to look again, I noticed someone stitting by themselves on a bench near the race track. "I think she's over there lori." I said as I pointed at the bench where the person was sitting at. He nodded and raced down to the race track. As we reached it, right there was Yumiko, but we noticed she was getting up from the bench, and shivering at the same time. I knew I should of looked here first.

-Yumiko's POV-

I was waiting for them two to show up. It's been a hour already. Suddenly it became colder earlier, but I stilled decided to wait here. 10 minutes have passed, and I gave up. I decided to go home, since I couldn't handle the cold anymore. I felt my body feel frozen all over. Just as I was about to leave, I heard two people panting behind me. I turned around to see Natsume and lori. I didn't said word to those two, just only stared at them trying to catch their breath. "Y- *pant* Yumiko. We're very *pant* sorry for what we have done." Said Natsume. lori just nodded. I just stared at them blankly. I thought about forgiving them. I took a deep breath and respond,  "Okay. I forgive you. -cough cough-" I realized I was feeling a bit dizzy. "Yumiko, are you alright?" asked lori.  I wanted to respond, but instead I coughed again. -Cough cough- I felt very cold. I also felt weak and wanting to pass out. "I- I'm fine." I croaked.  Natsume put his hand of my forehead. "lori she has a fever, lets get her to-" before Natsume could finish his sentence I blacked out.

-Natsume's Pov-

I caught Yumiko in my arms before she could fall to the ground. "Oh god. Let's get her to Masaomi." Said lori. I nodded. I carried Yumiko to the car and put her in the back. I noticed lori getting in the back with her. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Getting in the back with her. She needs someone to support her." He responded as her looked at her and not me. He wrapped his arms supporting her. I felt my heart drop when he did that. I closed the door and drove to the house.

-Time skip-

We arrived at the resident and took Yumiko to Masaomi. "What's wrong with her?" I asked. "Apparently when she was waiting for you two, it became cold. The cold made her sick. Maybe she's a bit weak against the cold, but she'll be fine in a week." Replied Masaomi. "Okay.." said lori as he place a flower on Yumiko's head. My body felt rage run threw it. I didn't want lori near her or touching her. She is mine. And mine only.

-lori's POV-

I watched Yumiko lay there in the bed. I felt guilty because she waited in cold for us. If she told us where she was, none of this would have happened. "Yumiko. I'm sorry for calling you an idiot." I whispered. I looked up at the ceiling and remembered Natsume leaving because he had work tomorrow. I also remembered when he looked at me with those eyes. Filled with anger, like I have done something wrong. I looked back down and stared at Yumiko. Then I stared down on her lips. Her pinkish lips. I leaned in and was about to kiss those lips when someone knocked. I pulled myself back and asked,  "Yes?" The door opened and two heads popped on the side of the door. It was Masaomi and Wataru. "Has she woken up yet?" Asked Masaomi. "No.." I whispered.  "She's so pretty Oniichan. Maybe she'll marry me." Said Wataru in a cheerful voice. For some reason, my chest tighten at those words. What is this feeling? I've never felt anything like this before. Whatever it was, I ignored it.

-Yumiko's POV-

I felt like I was in darkness. Wanting to be free. I need to see the light again. Please.. Let me see the light again..

I woke up with sweat. I wiped off the sweat then scanned the room. I noticed this wasn't my room. "Where am I?" I asked myself. Just as I was going to get up, the door opened. "Oh, your up. How do you feel?" Asked Masaomi. "I'm fine. How long have I've been out?" I asked. "3 days." He responded. "T-three days?!" I exclaimed. "Yes. Here drink and eat this." I looked down to see eggs, pancakes, and a glass of water. I looked back up to see him smile then leave. I ate my food and drank my water. I knew I had to get home....

But how?


Sorry it might be slow updates because I've been really busy which church and school. I'm trying my best. I'll update on Friday.

I Don't Belong (Natsume x OC x Lori) Brothers Conflict (Slowly Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें