10 - One Year

698 19 14

You didn't think that was the end of the story, did you?


3rd POV
"Nini," Kourtney says through the door. "Lauren and Jayden want to play." Nini doesn't respond; it feels like she physically can't.

"How would you two feel about spending the day with just me and Ashlyn?" Kourtney asks them.

"But we want Mommy to come with us," Lauren complains.

Kourtney sighs; she doesn't know what to do. Nini had slept in, which was expected. She woke up to take care of the twins but spent most of the day in her room. It's currently 5 pm, and Kourtney's been trying to call Nini all day to get her out. She gave up on trying to call her and just decided to show up at her house. "I'll keep trying, but go ahead and get in the car," she says, gesturing to downstairs.

"Ok, race you," Jayden says before darting downstairs.

"No fair!" Lauren shouts before running after him.

Once they're outside, Kourtney starts pounding on the door. "Nini! Your kids want to spend time with you!" she shouts.

"Kourtney, do you know what today is?" Nini whispers, almost inaudible.

Kourtney lowers her voice. "Yes, I do. But the twins want you to come with us."

"I don't know if I can," Nini chokes through her crying.

"Will you at least open the door?" she begs.

The quiet noise of a lock being undone can be heard. Kourtney goes in and slowly closes the door. When she turns back around, she sees Nini looking through her lockbox.

"Nini." Kourtney goes beside her and hugs her.

"Kourtney, how? How could this have happened?" Nini rhetorically asks.

"I don't know but listen: your kids want you to join us. I'm not making this up to get you to come out. Please come with us."

"Aunt Ashlyn?" Lauren asks while Ashlyn's getting their car seats in place. Kourtney found Nini's keys and told her to get them situated while she tried to get Nini out.

"Yeah," she answers, making sure it's all the way in.

"Why won't Mommy come out?" Jayden asks.

She turns around before speaking. "Well, right now is a rough time. It is for all of us, but your mom is taking it the hardest," she explains, hoping the conversation will end. Of course, it doesn't

"Why?" Lauren asks.

"It's just that this day specifically is tougher than others."

"Why?" Jayden asked. Why does that word have to exist? Ashlyn thinks.

"That's a story for when you're older. Right now, just don't ask too much of her."

"Kourtney, I'm a wreck. I can't go out today," I say. Today is June 11. It's been a year since The Letters came and told of the worst thing that could've happened.

"That's why we're going out today: for a distraction."

I continue to shuffle through the things in the lockbox. Birthday letters, pictures, and rings. The rings.

"If I were to say yes, what are we doing?" I ask.

"We figured bowling like old times and then the park for the twins. Everyone will be there except Gina and EJ. They're both doing something with their families."

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