41 - Date?

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Wattpad's had a bit of a dry spell ever since season two gave us Rini problems. The motivation seems to have lessened overall because of what Tim's done. (Thanks, ✨Tim!✨)

Also, last-minute title😅


The next morning was a bit of a mess. Nini woke up in a daze; her head wasn't pounding, but the feeling definitely wasn't pleasant. She sees her outfit from the night before thrown sloppily on the floor, various articles strewn without care. What... happened?

She slowly crawls out of bed, noting that she had changed into a t-shirt and shorts at some point last night. As she gathers her clothes off the floor, Nini begins to remember the events of the night before.

"Are you sure you're going to be ok alone?"

"Yeah, of course," she giggled. "Besides, I'm not alone."

"I know the twins are technically home, but they're probably asleep."

"It's fine. I'm fine."

"Ok." He leans forward and gently kisses her forehead, making her blush slightly. "Never hesitate to call if you need anything, ok?"

"Don't worry," she drags out. "I'm perfectly responsible and can take care of myself."

He chuckles and smiles, hugging her one last time for the night. "Goodnight, Nini."

"Night, Ricky."

Nini goes into her bathroom and looks in the mirror; her makeup looked like she tried to take a napkin over it instead of a wipe, and her hair was a mess. I don't understand how this happened. All I did was come home.

She washes the rest off and picks her clothes up off the floor, throwing them in the basket in the corner. According to her phone, it was about 11 am. She also had a text from Ricky from the night before: Hey, just wanted to say I've made it to the apartment. If you could text me in the morning, that'd be great. She smiles and giggles a little. He was still the same ol' Ricky Bowen.

Nini walks downstairs and grabs a glass of water, trying to remember the rest of the night. They set me up with Ricky, but the night wasn't awful. No lights were on in the house, which made sense; the twins were enjoying the last couple of weeks of summer before they had to go back to school. Nini quietly walks back upstairs and opens her phone, trying to think of a response for Ricky.

As she's typing, a call comes in instead. Gina. "Hey," Nini answers.

"Heeey," she said in a sing-song voice, "how'd last night go?"

Nini immediately smiles. "It was... not nearly as bad as I thought."

"Ooh, so what does that mean?"

"I mean... we still are a little lost with where we stand. And it'd be helpful if I could remember the entire night."

"I told EJ that that wine was a bad idea," she laughed, shaking her head.

"Oh, it was good. By all means, don't think I didn't enjoy it," she laughs. "I'm just trying to piece together some stuff."

"Well, I'd say it was enjoyable since I don't think there was a phone call last night complaining."

"Yeah, it really was." Nini's eye catches her ring in the sunlight shining through the window. The way it sparkled and shimmered reminded her of something.

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