13 - Opinions

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Before this starts, I want to mention what my original plan was for this book. At first, I wanted chapters 1-3 to be one long part. But then I thought it was too long, and splitting up the songs was better. Then chapters 4-12 weren't planned. They weren't going to be here at all, but I thought a little more back story would be better.

As mentioned before, I was gonna start chapter 2 with Nini calling them downstairs. This chapter that you're about to read was gonna be 2. This was gonna be the confirmation that she was pregnant. Then the events in chapters 4-12 were gonna be put in the form of flashbacks. But I felt the flow of the story worked better like this. The more I thought about it, the more I realized putting those chapters in flashbacks would be more difficult than what I've already done. Plus, I already wrote it like this first and starting over sounded like a lot of work.


*May 8, 2040*
"Would you calm down? It's not a big deal!" Lauren shouted.

"Yes, yes it is!" Jayden shouted back.

"MOM!!" they both yelled.

"Oh my lord, if this is what I think it's about," she says, walking to where the two were yelling. They've been arguing over the same thing for the past week. They start yelling over each other, and their words are just complete rubbish.

"You guys are gonna have to stop when Madison gets here," Nini warns them.

They both mumble 'we know' before stopping. At least they're done screaming at the moment.

Oh yeah, Carlos and Seb have a daughter now, no biggy. And no, she's not named Carlos Jr. Seb won the naming battle.

Madison Chloe Rodriguez-Smith
July 10, 2034, at 3:54 pm

Welcome to the World!

After spending so much time around Lauren, Jayden, and Aidan, they decided on having a child of their own. And oh boy, the number of discussions about names is unbelievably large. Madison after Carlos's mom, and Chloe after Seb's sister (who volunteered as their surrogate). Carlos's last name comes first because he's the one who proposed. That was one argument Seb couldn't win.

Not only did they have a daughter, but everyone's married now!

EJ and Gina finally got around to having their wedding (after Ashlyn, Nini, and Kourtney practically yelled at her to just do it).

Carlos and Seb were officially married about six months after they were engaged.

Big Red worked up the courage to propose to Ashlyn (needing a lot of help from Nini to not faint while doing it).

Well.... technically, not everyone. Remember the person Kourtney was talking to all those years ago around Christmas? Yeah... he did not work out. But about a year or so later, she met Brody. They've been going strong ever since. Marriage wasn't exactly on the table yet, and they were fine with that; they liked where they stood at the moment.

Nini's been on like... two-ish dates (she doesn't really count them because she wasn't invested in the person. Like, at all). Her excuse has always been she wants to focus on the twins and not bring a random stranger into their lives.

Coincidentally enough, Blake began liking her a few years after they met. Yeah, you didn't think he was gone for good, did you?

Turns out, Kourtney had overheard him and EJ talking, and she told Nini ahead of time that he liked her and wanted to ask her on a date. She didn't know how to respond to that because there's no way she could ever go on any date with anyone nor would she want to. She knew no one on Earth could make her feel the same way Ricky did, which was especially true now that he was... you know. But Kourtney said she should at least give him a shot, so when he finally asked her, she said yes.

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