53 - Salazar-Roberts/Bowen/Scott

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This is probably one of my favorite titles😅
(Don't ask why. I just think it's funny.)

Tomorrow marks my birthday and the one-year anniversary of this book!!🥳

I didn't realize that so much was happening so close together (50th chapter, hitting 20K reads, and now this). This is one of my favorite chapters (I don't know if it's #1 or not yet), and I can't believe it landed at the one-year mark.

Tell me your favorite chapter(s) from this book; I'm curious.

(Also, check out the gif of Matt at the top. He's far too underrated.)


On the other side of town, there was just as much if not more stress. The twins were worried about what could go wrong. That's what happens with age; you think too much.

Nini didn't know how long this was going to last, and she wasn't sure which way to lean. This is not the kind of stress I signed up for as an adult. Then again, many adults could say that about their lives. But also, not many adults have to deal with these kinds of moments.

They had decided to do this in the afternoon; it gave everyone time to prepare while also allowing time to decompress afterward.

Her phone buzzed, and she jumped a little. Nini glanced over at it and saw Ricky was calling. Her fingers shook as she answered. "Hey."

"Hey. So, sorry if this is too much, but I was thinking of telling the twins about Noah when we got there. I know that that probably doesn't help with stress, but I can't ask Noah not to call me dad, and I know he most likely will at some point. I just want them to hear it from me instead of by accident," he rambled.

Nini's silent for a moment as she thought about this new information. She snapped out of it when Ricky said, "Hello? Are you still there?"

"Yeah. Sorry, I was thinking about what you said. Um, I guess that's fine. I mean... I know they're gonna learn eventually, and you're right when you say that they should hear it from you first. So what was your plan when you got here?"

"I guess just pull them aside and quickly mention it. I know that that's not fair, and they deserve a proper discussion with time to ask any questions, but this situation doesn't really allow for that, and I didn't know what else to do. I'm just trying to think of the best way to do this."

"Yeah, me too. I guess that'll work because it has to. Um, they asked how many people were involved, and I said that there are two more other than you. They know that there is a kid but nothing else. That's it."

"O- Ok. I'm assuming you'll want to be there too when I, uh..."

"Uh, yeah," she says, knowing what he's trying to say. "I think that would probably help." The two adults are quiet for a moment; they aren't sure what to say now.



"Does he know?"

"Does who know what?"

"Does Noah know about the twins? And your relationship to them."

She hears him click his tongue, and she could guess that he was messing with his fingers and rings. "Yeah, I just told him."

"And what did he say?"

"Not much. I don't think he has anything to say. It probably hasn't sunk in yet."

"But he does know?"


Silence falls over them again. Nini lay down on her bed while still holding the phone against her ear. "Ricky?"

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