91 - Perfect Gift

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I wrote this so last-minute because I've been so focused on Just for a Moment recently😅

Also, I forgot to write this in my S3E1 reaction, but petition for Ricky to be single!!


Ricky felt his whole body shake as he held the envelope. He was suddenly hit with flashbacks of when Nini had handed him the twins' birth certificates. He carefully opened the sealed envelope and pulled out the contents. Nini sat next to him, impatiently awaiting his reaction.

Inside were two photos... grainy ultrasound pictures. Ricky held one in each hand delicately, looking over both closely. It didn't take a genius to figure out what he was looking at. He flipped both over and found labels on who was who.

Even though they were just black and white blobs, Ricky could see the silhouettes of two babies slowly growing. He started getting teary-eyed just looking at them. "Nini... wh- why are you showing me these?"

Nini tenderly placed both of her hands on one of his wrists. She also had tears slowly forming in her eyes. "I'm giving them to you."

His head snapped toward her in shock. "Wh- What?"

"Yeah," she sniffled.

"Wait, why though?"

"I know that you've been blaming yourself for missing out on their lives, but it wasn't your fault nor will it ever be. I want you to know that. I don't hate you for what happened. I never could. And you shouldn't blame yourself either.

Ricky set the pictures to the side and pulled her into a tight hug. They were both quietly sniffling, not fully crying yet but definitely close.

When they pulled away after a few minutes, Ricky wiped his eyes and wondered, "Wait, why are you giving me these though?"

"Every parent deserves to have photos like these," she explained. They were both smiling with watery eyes.

"Thank you."

"No thanks needed."

Nini brought a hand up to his face and caressed his cheek, kissing him deeply. She tugged on his hair a little and took his bottom lip in between her teeth, pulling on it. Ricky groaned lowly as he leaned into her some more; she came back with equal force and passion.

Nini was the first to part her lips, prompting him to do the same. A battle for control begins as the two make out on her bed, gripping the other tighter with each passing moment. They pulled away at the same time and gasped for air. They both just looked at each other with mirroring grins.

"Happy birthday, Ricky," Nini murmured.

Ricky smiled brightly upon hearing that. He kissed her again for a moment before pulling away to look her in the eyes. "You remembered," he muttered.

"Of course. It's the whole reason I wanted to see you today. I could never forget an occasion like this."

"Can I tell you something?" She nodded. "That's part of the reason why I was so eager to come over," he confessed. "I was kind of hoping you would know."

Nini chuckled and raised a hand to play with his hair. "I could never forget the day you came into his world. The idea of a larger surprise party did cross my mind though, but I figured that would have been a little too much."

"I'm perfectly happy with just what you've done today." He picked up the ultrasound photos once again. "This is the perfect gift."

"Well, good because I was freaking out over what to give you, and I didn't want to risk asking anyone for help or what they thought I should get you since I figured it would get back to you and be spoiled, especially since no one in this friend group knows how to keep a secret to save their lives, and this moment was too important to me for it to just get ruined in the end," she rambled breathlessly. "But I'm glad you like it."

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