34 - Ride

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"Oh come on, you can't keep this from me."

"It's not my story to tell."

"You were there; you can decide for yourself."

"And I choose no."

Gina was dropping Aidan off at Nini's since she and EJ were having a date that night, and Gina managed to squeeze out a few minutes to ask Nini how her talk with Ricky went. She was obviously happier after that night, but she has yet to tell anyone why. "C'mon, Nini," Gina whined.

"I don't get what's so interesting about this."

Gina looked at her like she was crazy. "Uh, the love of your life came back from the dead. Of course, I would want to know everything that involves him!"

"How about this: I'll ask him if he wants to do a group hangout, and he can tell you for himself, yeah?" Nini tries to compromise.

"Aha!" Gina shouts.

Nini raises a brow. "Aha, what?"

"You didn't deny the love of your life part."

Her face reddens, but she tries (and fails) to hide it. "Do you agree or not?" she asks, ignoring her friend's comment completely.

"Ugh, fine."

Nini laughs at her disappointment. "You'll be fine." Gina jokingly rolls her eyes, quickly hugs her, and says bye before going out back to her and EJ's car.

Jayden and Aidan were playing video games in the living room, and Lauren was up in her room. For fear that the boys might hear her, Nini goes out onto the patio and calls Ricky. "Hey," he answers.

"Hey, guess what?"

"Oh no, what?"

She laughs at his scared voice. "It's nothing bad. Gina just stopped by and was wondering what happened a few nights ago."

"Oh, did you not tell her?"

"I didn't want to do it by myself. Plus, I wasn't sure what you were ok with."

"I'm ok with just about anything at this point."

"Anyway, since she's pushing to know what happened, I was wondering if you wanted to have us all get together, so you only have to tell the story once?"

"Oh, uh, sure. When and where?"

"You don't sound too sure."

"It's fine. When and where?" he repeats.

"Ricky, be honest with me. Are you ok to talk about this with more people?"

Ricky would be lying if he said he was 100% ok with this; talking about his past was so nerve-racking, but he doesn't think anyone else should be left in the dark. "Nini, they're gonna find out eventually. It'll be fine."

"If you say so." He didn't sound too sure, but if he's willing to, then they'll do it. "When?"

"I don't care."

"EJ and Gina are on a date right now, but I don't know anyone's plans for tomorrow."

"What about Sunday?"

"Uh, we'll have to check with everyone else, but that works for me at least."

"Ok, great. Should I text them or...?"

"It's fine; I'll do it," Nini offers.

"You sure?"


"Ok, thanks. Tell me what they say."

"Kay, bye."


3 YearsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora